02.02.17 2

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soru cevap
take care of sth sb/look after sb
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zająć się czymś (np. niezbędnymi ustaleniami, niezbędnymi detalami) opiekować się kimś, zajmować się kimś
figure out
öğrenmeye başla
zrozumieć czyjeś zachowanie. I cannot figure out his strange behaviour. wymyślić coś, wykombinować coś. zrozumieć coś, rozwiązać jakiś problem. I can't figure out how to do this.
I don't get the point
öğrenmeye başla
zrozumieć, pojąć. All right, I think everyone got the point.
öğrenmeye başla
pozwalać, zezwaćlać. Do you think they would allow that? przyznać, przeznaczyć, dawac dopuszczać, uznawać
essentially = basically = primarily = fundamentally = substantially
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zasadniczo w zasadzie. I essentially support what has been said about both countries
reduce/ decrease
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Zmniejszenie / spadek. zmniejszac sie. The number of students at our university has decreased
gradually-step by step
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stopniowo. We have to gradually introduce the changes. We have the means to be able to solve this problem gradually.
means of transport
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środki transportu. sposób, środek, środki. What means of communication do you prefer?środki (utrzymania), zasoby (finansowe) We don't have any means to live here
life force
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siła życiowa sily witalne
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niegrzecznie brutalnie
abuse of human rights
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naruszenie praw człowieka. naduzycie-He suffers from drug abuse. wykorzystywać, nadużywać. Some politicians abuse their power. Don't abuse your position in such way.
eventually, finally, at last
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ostatecznie, w końcu, koniec końców. Eventually, he managed to talk to his boss. I think you'll understand that eventually
take part/participate in a lesson
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brać udział / uczestniczyć w lekcji
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on purpose, intentionally
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celowo, świadomie
attend a course
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uczęszczać na kurs
entirely, competely
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całkowicie, zupełnie. She wasn't entirely sure what she should do. It's an entirely different situation
tear sth apart
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drzeć, rozdzierać. I have torn my blouse on a thorn. Don't tear this document
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własność (jako fakt bycia właścicielem czegoś) How can you control the ownership of the building?
hang out with friends
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spędzać czas z przyjaciółmi. I like to hang out with you. wywiesić coś na dwór (np. ubrania)
likely, probably
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prawdopodobne, prawdopodobnie
loosen grip
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rozluźnić chwyt. rozluźnić (np. supeł), poluzować (np. przepisy), rozpuścić (np. włosy)

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