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Co robiliście w weekand?
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What were you doing at weekand?
Gdzie byliście w weekend?
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Where were you at the weekend?
Czy byliście gdzieś w weekend?
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Were you somewhere over the weekend?
Co ty zrobiłeś?!
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What have you done?!
What are you did?
Pojechaliśmy wspólnie na wycieczkę rowerową.
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We went together for a bike trip.
We took a bike tour together.
To była pierwsza tak długa trasa Nikoli.
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It was the first such a long route of Nikola.
Przejechaliśmy około 10 kilometrów.
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We cycled about 10 kilometers.
We did about 10 kilometers.
W drodze powrotnej kupiliśmy lody niedaleko pętli tramwajowej na Ogrodach.
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On the way back we bought ice cream near the tram terminus in Ogrody.
Było nam trochę zimno pomimo, że świeciło słońce
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We were a bit cold despite the sun shining
Po powrocie do domu zjedliśmy obiad.
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After returning home, we ate dinner.

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