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Pan Knight nie może być tutaj więc jego żona przyjmie nagrodę w jego imieniu öğrenmeye başla
Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf
a job that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy something, deliver goods, Jej szef wysłał ją na polecenie do miasta. Chłopiec na posyłki öğrenmeye başla
Her boss sent her on an errand into town. Errand boy
feelings of disapproval that people have about particular illnesses or ways of behaving Ciężko przyznać się do tego, ponieważ wciąż jest to piętnowane wśród społęczeństwa öğrenmeye başla
It's hard to confess to that because there is still a lot of stigma
öğrenmeye başla
wmieszać się (np. w tłum) if something blends in, it is similar to its surroundings or matches its surroundings Złodzieje wmieszali się w tłum i uciekli öğrenmeye başla
blend in (with something/somebody) The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away.
Po przeprowadzce łątwo dopasowałem się do nowego środowiska i grupy öğrenmeye başla
After relocation I easile adjusted to the new group and environment
sprostać czemuś bardziej wymagającemu öğrenmeye başla
tackle something more challenging
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öğrenmeye başla
to make something less harmful, serious, etc. Musimy załagodzić konflikt pomiędzy tymi dwiema grupami öğrenmeye başla
mitigate, alleviate something We have to mitigate the conflict between these two groups
Świetnie uzupełniamy się z żoną öğrenmeye başla
Me and my wife complement each other
laik, osoba zielona (też: osoba świecka) a person who does not have expert knowledge of a particular subject Książka jest napisana zarówno dla profesjonalistów i dla laików öğrenmeye başla
a book written for professionals and laymen alike
osoba, która uzyskuje to o co walczy determined to be successful Pudzian jest zdeterminowany do osiągnięcia sukcesu öğrenmeye başla
a person who prefers to be alone öğrenmeye başla
a person who often drops things Aga Adamska jest prawdziwą niezdarą. Ona często upuszcza rzeczy öğrenmeye başla
Aga is a real butterfingers. She often drops things
a person who likes to spoil other people’s enjoyment öğrenmeye başla
On jest takim mądralą. Zawsze wie wszystko lepiej niż ktokolwiek inny öğrenmeye başla
He is such a smart-alec. He knows everything better than anyone else
a person who enjoys doing dangerous things, in a way that other people may think is stupid On nie boi się podjąć ryzyka i gra w kasynie. To prawdziwy ryzykant öğrenmeye başla
He is not afraid of taking risk and plays in casino. He is a real
a man who has a serious mental illness Zabójstwo było spowodowane przez szaleńca öğrenmeye başla
The killing was the act of a madman
nieudolny, kulejący (przegryw życiowy) a person or an organization that is not very successful and that needs help Rząd nie powinien wydawać pieniędzy na pomoc nieudolnym firmom. öğrenmeye başla
The government should not spend money on helping lame ducks.
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Zastraszony (przestraszony) więzień öğrenmeye başla
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Negligent (careless) welder
Czasami jestem niezdecydowany, zwłaszcza pod względem jedzenia öğrenmeye başla
Sometimes I'm indecisive, especially in terms of eating
a person who is going past somebody/something by chance, especially when something unexpected happens Policja spytała przechodniów czy widzieli wypadek öğrenmeye başla
Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident
slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions öğrenmeye başla