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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
estetyczny, estetyka
öğrenmeye başla
dobrodziejstwo, zbawienie
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
opieka nad dziećmi
öğrenmeye başla
custody of children
opieka dzielona
öğrenmeye başla
split custody
może się znacznie różnić
öğrenmeye başla
can vary widely
the experience of being a single mother or a single father can vary widely
zależy od indywidualnej sytuacji
öğrenmeye başla
depends on the individual situation
żaden z nich nie jest z natury łatwiejszy od innych
öğrenmeye başla
neither is inherently easier than other
Both cone with unique challenge, and neither is inherently easier than other
zwiększone poczucie odpowiedzialności
öğrenmeye başla
heightened sense of resposibility
Single mother may feel a heightened sense of resposibility to meet these expectations
obciążenie ekonomiczne
öğrenmeye başla
economin strain
trudności finansowe – problemy finansowe
öğrenmeye başla
financial difficulties – financial problems
single mothers are more likely to face financial difficulties
różnice w wynagrodzeniach kobiet i mężczyzn
öğrenmeye başla
gender wage gaps
gender wage gaps and childcare expenses are significant factors in this
öğrenmeye başla
many sibgle mothers juggle multiple roles - parent, employee and caretaker -which can lead to burnout
öğrenmeye başla
więź emocjonalna
öğrenmeye başla
emotional connection
society often assumes mothers are more emotionally connected with their children and single fathers may have to work harder to establish this bond
aby ustanowić tę więź
öğrenmeye başla
to establish this bond
wspiera system
öğrenmeye başla
supports system
single fathers may face difficulties finding support networks
czuć się odizolowanym
öğrenmeye başla
feel isolated
traditionals “mom groups” are more common, leaving single father isolated
związać koniec z końcem
öğrenmeye başla
make ends meet
both single mithers and fathers may struggle to make ends meet
brak partnera
öğrenmeye başla
absence of a partner
single parents may experience loneliness and the absence of a partner to share responsibilities and decisions
dzielić się ciężarem emocjonalnym z kimś
öğrenmeye başla
share emotionals burden with sb

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