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soru cevap
minority. The Polish are the largest national minority in Great Britain
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fortunate. It was fortunate that there were no fatalities.
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szczęśliwy, pomyślny (np. zdarzenie)
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ofiara śmiertelna
different / various area. I bought different kinds of beer
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inny / różny
relevant. Is your question relevant to our discussion? related
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odpowiedni, związany z, dotyczący, właściwy
column. This column holds the whole building in one piece.
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wire. This time, he had not forgotten his wire cutters.
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irrelevant. You're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
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niezwiązany z tematem, nieistotny
feeling. My feeling on this is irrelevant
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factor. Many factors contributed to this decision.
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czynnik. Wiele czynników wpłynęło na tę decyzję.
majority. We counted the votes; majority of them was against his idea
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większość. Policzyliśmy głosy; większość była przeciwna jego idei
politician. It is said that politicians in this country are thoroughly corrupted.
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polityk. Mówi się, że politycy w tym kraju są całkowicie skorumpowani.
constant. She lives in constant fear.
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stały. Ona żyje w ciągłym strachu.
separate. I've got a separate notebook for that.
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oddzielny, odrebny
initially. I didn't like him initially, but now he's my best friend
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początkowo, wstępnie, na początku
compassion. There is no room for compassion in this fight!
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litość, wspolczucie

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