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(1) współczujący (2) przychylny, aprobujący (3) easy to like
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He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem. She comes across as a more sympathetic character in the movie. The party is considered to be sympathetic to welfare reform. Did he give your proposal a sympathetic hearing?
(1) współczucie (2) wsparcie, aprobata (3) zrozumienie
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(1) to understand and care about someone's problems (2) to support and agree with someone or something
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I know what it's like to have migraines, so I really sympathize. I sympathize with the general aims of the organization, but on this particular issue I disagree.
stronnik, zwolennik
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zadziwiać, oszołamiać
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The instructions completely bewildered me.
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oszałamiający, zdumiewający
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oszołomienie, osłupienie, zdziwienie
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As he walked through the door, she stared at him in utter bewilderment
(1) zawieszenie w szkole (2) wykluczenie czegoś niemożliwego (3) wyłączenie, zamknięcie dostęp.
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Her exclusion from the list of Oscar nominees. The exclusion of disruptive students from school. Trade between EU Member States is subject to various agreements, laws, and exclusions.
causing someone or something not to be allowed to take part in an activity or to enter a place
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A formal US-EU trade agreement could be viewed as an exclusionary zone by Asians.
(1) wykluczyć, wyłączyć (2) to decide that something is not true or possible (3) to intentionally not include something
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Women are still excluded from the club. The price excludes local taxes. We can't exclude the possibility that he is dead.
not including
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The aircraft carries 461 people excluding the crew and cabin staff.
to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting
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This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about immigration. The recent interest-rate rises have sparked new problems for small businesses.
(1) iskra (2) a first small event or problem that causes a much worse situation to develop (3) a feeling or quality that causes excitement
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That small incident was the spark that set off the street riots. They kept running into each other and eventually realized there was a spark between them. The music is mediocre because there's no spark, no thrill, no unpredictability.
(1) skrzyć się, lśnić np. oczy, woda (2) to be full of life
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The snow/sea sparkled in the sunlight. Alice is shy and quiet at parties, but her sister really sparkles!
(1) błysk, blask (2) energy and interest
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Their latest performance of My Fair Lady really lacked sparkle. The sparkle went out of/left her (= she became unhappy) after her husband died. Do sth to add a sparkle to your life.
zimne ognie
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(1) iskrzący się, mieniący się (2) energetic and interesting (3) bombelkowy
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sparkling white teeth. a sparkling performance. sparkling conversation/wit. Champagne is a sparkling wine.
(1) sprzeciw (2) przeciwstawianie się (3) opór - wiatr, woda (4) ruch oporu z dużej litery
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(1) not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas (2) not harmed or affected by something
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Why are you so resistant to change? a stain-resistant carpet. a disease-resistant variety of tomato.
(1) wyraźny (2) odrębny
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There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here. The two concepts are quite distinct. Plant growth is most distinct in spring and early summer.
(1) rozróżnienie (2) różnica (3) the quality of being excellent
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There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions. This company makes no distinction between the sexes. a writer/wine of distinction.
charakterystyczny (adv + ly)
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a distinctive smell/taste. She's got a very distinctive voice.
the quality of being easy to recognise because of being different from other things
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The retailer lacks the distinctivenss to thrive in the current market. We are proud of our distinctiveness as Canadians.
to increase a lot and suddenly in number
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Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.
rozpowszechnienie, szybki wzrost
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The proliferation of cell phones has changed how we communicate.
certain to fail, die, or be destroyed (przesądzony, z góry skazany na...)
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This is a doomed city.
death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided
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A sense of doom hung over the entire country. The newspapers are always full of doom and gloom (= bad news and unhappiness) these days.
to make someone or something certain to do or experience something unpleasant, or to make something bad certain to happen
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Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past? Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure.
pocieszenie, pociecha
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If it's (of) any consolation (to you), you're not the only one he was nasty to. I didn't know what to say - I just offered a few words of consolation.
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a consolatory remark. My friend came over and gave me a consolatory pat on the back.
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He tried to console her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault. I tried to console her with a box of chocolates.
(1) borykać się, zmagać (2) to move somewhere with great effort (3) to be in danger of failing or being defeated (4) to fight, especially with your hands
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The dog had been struggling to get free of the wire noose. I've been struggling to understand this article all afternoon. He struggled along the rough road holding his son.
(1) walka, dążenie do czegoś (2) wysiłek fiz
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