(12) Distribution & Promotion – transport and logistics (basic terms)

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Analiza ABC (klasyfikacja zapasów wg ustalonych kryteriów)
öğrenmeye başla
ABC Analysis
The classification of items in the inventory according to importance, defined in terms of criteria such as sales volume, and purchase volume.
przewoźnik lotniczy
öğrenmeye başla
air carrier
Certified provider of scheduled and nonscheduled services.
ubezpieczenie wszelkich ryzyk
öğrenmeye başla
all risk insurance
This type of insurance offers the shipper the broadest coverage available, covering against all losses that may occur in transit.
przebieg powrotny
öğrenmeye başla
A vehicle's return movement from the original destination to the original origin.
öğrenmeye başla
A flat-bottomed vessel towed or pushed by another craft used for transporting freight in rivers.
konosament, morski list przewozowy
öğrenmeye başla
bill of lading
A document issued by the carrier that records the receipt of goods for shipment and the contract terms.
ciągnik bez przyczepy
öğrenmeye başla
a bobtail
A tractor operating without a trailer.
bukowanie / rezerwowanie miejsca na ładunek.
öğrenmeye başla
Arranging for the transportation of freight by a carrier.
kryty wagon towarowy
öğrenmeye başla
A closed rail freight car
podział ładunku skonsolidowanego na mniejsze przesyłki
öğrenmeye başla
The separation of consolidated bulk loads into smaller individual shipments.
ładunek masowy (bez opakowania, np. węgiel, ropa naftowa itp.)
öğrenmeye başla
bulk cargo
Not in packages or containers, shipped loose in the hold of a ship.
öğrenmeye başla
The freight carried by a ship, aircraft, truck, or other vessel of vehicle.
ubezpieczenie ładunku
öğrenmeye başla
cargo insurance
Insurance on the freight paid for by the carrier.
öğrenmeye başla
Any individual, company, or corporation engaged in transporting goods.
öğrenmeye başla
a cart
A manually pushed or pulled platform that has a handle and four wheels.
magazyn centralny
öğrenmeye başla
central warehouse
A warehouse where all the goods are gathered together before being distributed to different points.
przewoźnik publiczny (zawodowy)
öğrenmeye başla
common carrier
A transportation company which provides service to the general public at published rates.
adresat, odbiorca
öğrenmeye başla
The receiver of a freight shipment.
nadawca, załadowca
öğrenmeye başla
The sender of a freight shipment, usually the seller.
konsolidacja (łączenie ładunków)
öğrenmeye başla
The act of assembling less-than-truckload shipments into truck-load shipments.
öğrenmeye başla
A large metal box resembling a truck trailer body that can be shipped via vessel or rail and then attached to a trailer chassis for further transport.
öğrenmeye başla
Stowage of general or special cargoes in a container fit for various modes of transport.
przejazd powrotny bez ładunku
öğrenmeye başla
a deadhead
When a truck delivers a load and then completes one leg of a trip without any cargo.
docelowy punkt odbioru, miejsce przeznaczenia
öğrenmeye başla
Location (city or state) that a person, cargo or mode of transport is traveling to.
öğrenmeye başla
A person who schedules and controls intra-city traffic and intercity pickup and delivery.
kanał dystrybucji
öğrenmeye başla
distribution channel
The selling channels supported by an enterprise.
środki zabezpieczające ładunek, materiał sztauerski
öğrenmeye başla
Materials used in holds and containers to protect goods and their packaging from moisture, contamination and mechanical damage.
wagon platforma
öğrenmeye başla
flat car
A railcar without a roof and walls.
wózek widłowy
öğrenmeye başla
A machine used to pick up and move goods loaded on pallets or skids.
nota frachtowa
öğrenmeye başla
freight bill
Document with the description of the freight, weight, charges, rate for charges, taxes and details as to whether it is a pre-paid or payment-on- delivery shipment.
fracht, przewoźne (opłata za przewóz)
öğrenmeye başla
freight charge
The cost of transporting goods from the seller's warehouse to the buyer's warehouse or store.
ładunek pełnokontenerowy
öğrenmeye başla
full-container load
When the merchandise loaded in the container is all from the same customer.
grupowanie (konsolidowanie ładunku)
öğrenmeye başla
A consolidation service, putting small shipments into containers for shipment.
lewy pas ruchu, pas wyprzedzania
öğrenmeye başla
hammer lane
Left lane of traffic.
centrum, węzeł transportowy
öğrenmeye başla
a hub
A center of activity or interest, a focal point.
incoterms (warunki handlu)
öğrenmeye başla
Established international terms of sale published by the International Chamber of Commerce.
logistyka zintegrowana
öğrenmeye başla
integrated logistics
A comprehensive supply chain as a single process, from raw materials supply to finished goods distribution.
öğrenmeye başla
Use of multiple modes of transportation to move containers of cargo.
öğrenmeye başla
All stock on hand at any given time, either visibly displayed or in stockrooms and other secured areas.
koszty utrzymywania zapasów
öğrenmeye başla
inventory-carrying costs
A financial measurement that calculates all costs associated with holding goods in storage.
stawka łączna
öğrenmeye başla
joint rate
A rate applicable from a point on one transportation line to a point on another line.
dokładnie na czas (dotyczy dostaw surowców i komponentów do produkcji)
öğrenmeye başla
just-in-time (JIT)
An inventory management system in which a warehouse's inventory is maintained at minimum levels because replenishment stock is immediately available from suppliers.
strata stwierdzona
öğrenmeye başla
a known loss
A loss discovered before or at the time of delivery of a shipment.
czas realizacji zamówienia
öğrenmeye başla
lead time
Total time from receipt of store order to the scheduled delivery time of the product at the store.
ładunek niepełnokontenerowy
öğrenmeye başla
A shipment weighing less than the weight required for a truckload rate.
ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej
öğrenmeye başla
liability insurance
Insurance that covers any third party injuries or damages.
statek liniowy, liniowiec
öğrenmeye başla
A vessel sailing between specified ports on a regular basis.
öğrenmeye başla
The process of moving goods up or down the container or carrier.
öğrenmeye başla
The management of a facility's traffic or transportation functions.
podróże na duże odległości, długodystansowe
öğrenmeye başla
long-distance travel
Trips between two separate geographically distant destinations.
wykaz ładunków, manifest
öğrenmeye başla
a manifest
A document describing a shipment or the contents of a vehicle.
opłata minimalna
öğrenmeye başla
minimum charge
The lowest charge that can be assessed to transport a shipment.
ładunek mieszany
öğrenmeye başla
mixed load
A trailer load that includes more than one product line.
transport multimodalny
öğrenmeye başla
multi-modal transportation
The process of delivery of goods which involves more than one kind of transportation vehicle.
waga netto pojemnika, tara
öğrenmeye başla
net tare weight
The weight of an empty cargo-carrying piece of equipment plus any fixtures permanently attached.
pobranie towaru z magazynu i zapakowanie zgodnie z instrukcją nabywcy ('pobierać i pakować')
öğrenmeye başla
pick & pack
Picking a product from an inventory and packing it into shipment containers.
Przewóz kombinowany (wykonywany przez kolej i transport drogowy
öğrenmeye başla
a piggyback
A transportation arrangement in which truck trailers with their loads are moved by train to a destination.
usługa przedpłacona
öğrenmeye başla
Freight charges paid by the consignor (shipper) prior to the release of the bills of lading by the carrier.
przewoźnik prywatny
öğrenmeye başla
private carrier
A company that has its own trucks to transport its own freight.
dowód dostawy
öğrenmeye başla
proof of delivery
A document required from the carrier or driver for proper payment.
kwota, kontyngent
öğrenmeye başla
The quantity of goods that may be imported without restriction during a set period of time.
opłata za przewóz
öğrenmeye başla
a rate
The charge for transporting freight.
kontener chłodniczy lub naczepa, statek-chłodnia
öğrenmeye başla
Refrigerated container or trailer.
öğrenmeye başla
When the packaging is removed from certain goods which then are packed again in a different way.
zapas bezpieczny, zapas buforowy
öğrenmeye başla
safety stock
Stock reserve to prevent out-of-stock situations due to unexpected increases in product movement.
zdolność statku do żeglugi
öğrenmeye başla
The fitness of a vessel for its intended use.
frachtujący, spedytor, załadowca
öğrenmeye başla
The person or company who is usually the supplier or owner of commodities shipped.
öğrenmeye başla
Loading and delivery (usually on trucks) of orders from the distribution center to the retailer.
tona amerykańska
öğrenmeye başla
short ton
A standard measure in the United States - 2,000 pounds.
sztauowanie, rozmieszczenie ładunku na statku
öğrenmeye başla
A marine term referring to loading freight into ship' hold.
łańcuch dostaw
öğrenmeye başla
supply chain
The sequence of activities from the delivery of raw materials to the manufacturer through to the delivery of the finished product to the customer.
cennik usług przewozowych
öğrenmeye başla
Published rate for hauling goods.
öğrenmeye başla
a terminal
An area in which freight is organized and prepared for loading before being dispatched to its final destination.
stawka za przewóz bezpośredni
öğrenmeye başla
through rate
The total rate from the point of origin to the final destination.
monitorowanie i rejestrowanie
öğrenmeye başla
tracking and tracing
Monitoring and recording of shipment movements from origin to destination.
öğrenmeye başla
The power unit used to pull a trailer.
zarządzanie przewozami
öğrenmeye başla
traffic management
Managing and controlling of transportation modes, carriers and services.
öğrenmeye başla
The portion of the truck in which the freight is loaded and hauled.
czas pomiędzy odebraniem przesyłki a jej wysłaniem
öğrenmeye başla
transit time
The total time that elapses between a shipment's pickup and delivery.
zarządzanie transportem
öğrenmeye başla
transportation management
System used to plan freight movements, do freight rating and shipping, select the appropriate route and carrier, and manage freight bills and payments.
öğrenmeye başla
to transship
To transport goods from one transportation line to another, or from one ship to another.
öğrenmeye başla
Transfer of cargo from one conveyance to another.
pociąg marszrutowy
öğrenmeye başla
unit train
A train of a specified number of railcars, perhaps 100, which remain as a unit for a designated destination or until a change in routing is made.
wyładunek (np. z pojazdu/kontenera)
öğrenmeye başla
When goods are moved out of the vehicle/container.
wskaźnik wykorzystania zdolności przewozowych (np. taboru samochodowego)
öğrenmeye başla
utilization rate
Fleet productivity measurement that tracks the percentage of time that a vehicle is being used.
węzeł kolejowy
öğrenmeye başla
The meeting place of two or more railroads.
umowa przewozu
öğrenmeye başla
contract of carriage
zawarcie i wykonanie umowy przewozu
öğrenmeye başla
conclusion and performance of the contract of carriage
wykonanie przewozu
öğrenmeye başla
performance of the carriage
przewoźnik drogowy
öğrenmeye başla
carrier by road
przewoźnik inny niż drogowy
öğrenmeye başla
carrier by the other means of transport
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
sztuka przesyłki
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
sposób opakowania
öğrenmeye başla
method of packing
list przewozowy
öğrenmeye başla
consignment note
wystawić list przewozowy
öğrenmeye başla
to draw up the consignment note
wydać list przewozowy odbiorcy
öğrenmeye başla
to hand the consignment note to the consignee
wpisać do listu przewozowego zastrzeżenia
öğrenmeye başla
to enter reservations in the consignment note
Droga do Green Mountain w sezonie jest zamknięta dla pojazdów.
öğrenmeye başla
The road to Green Mountain is closed for the season to vehicles.
ładowany na pojazdy
öğrenmeye başla
loaded in vehicles
wyładowany z pojazdów
öğrenmeye başla
unloaded from vehicles
ładowanie towaru
öğrenmeye başla
loading of the goods
rozmieszczenie towaru
na statku, samolocie
öğrenmeye başla
stowage of the goods
wyładowanie towaru
öğrenmeye başla
unloading of the goods
opóźnienie dostawy
öğrenmeye başla
delay in delivery
koszty przewoźne
öğrenmeye başla
carriage charges
koszty dodatkowe
öğrenmeye başla
supplementary charges
należności celne
öğrenmeye başla
customs duties
umówiony termin, w jakim ma być wykonany przewóz
öğrenmeye başla
the agreed time limit within which the carriage is to be carried out
brak, niedostateczność lub nieprawidłowość dokumentów i informacji
öğrenmeye başla
absence, inadequacy or irregularity of documents and information
osoba uprawniona do rozporządzania towarem
öğrenmeye başla
person entitled to dispose of the goods
powierzyć towar osobie trzeciej
öğrenmeye başla
to entrust the goods to a third party
wada ukryta/własna towaru
öğrenmeye başla
inherent vice of the goods
dodatkowa opłata
öğrenmeye başla

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