soru |
cevap |
przyglądanie się badawczo (czemuś) öğrenmeye başla
He moved around, peering at his students' efforts and encouraging them to talk with one another.
osoba równorzędna z kimś, rówieśnik (np. w tym samym wieku, o takich samych umiejętnościach itp.) Była znana wśród rówieśników jako dobra uczennica. öğrenmeye başla
She was known among her peers as a good student.
nadciągający, bliski, nieuchronny Firma ta jest w bliskim niebezpieczeństwie upadku. öğrenmeye başla
The company is in imminent danger of collapse.
öğrenmeye başla
But that's how much he wanted to have a cohesive team.
öğrenmeye başla
Ona zawsze się wtrąca, to jest wkurzające. öğrenmeye başla
She's always chipping in, it's annoying.
nieefektywny (o działaniach), zawikłany (np. system), powolny (np. proces) öğrenmeye başla
Something that big and cumbersome should never have been able to do so.
öğrenmeye başla
machnąć czymś, zarzucić czymś, odgarnąć coś (o włosach) Maria odgarnęła do tyłu swoje długie włosy. öğrenmeye başla
Mary flicked her long hair back.
öğrenmeye başla
And certainly not the right to contradict his father in public.
öğrenmeye başla
To her it was indicative of how he'd come to view their relationship.
Jego oświadczenie jest wiarygodne. öğrenmeye başla
His statement is credible.
śmieci, odpadki (wyrzucane w parkach, na ulicach, itp.) Ludzie, którzy śmiecą będą surowo karani. öğrenmeye başla
People who drop litter will be severely punished.
na temat (mówić coś na jakiś temat) öğrenmeye başla
zaczynać od czegoś/wyruszać w drogę öğrenmeye başla
The movie just started off.
On zakrztusił się wodą, którą pił, kiedy usłyszał wieści öğrenmeye başla
He gagged on the water he was drinking when he heard the news.
öğrenmeye başla
They had a long slog - six and half hours.
dysponować, mieć do dyspozycji öğrenmeye başla
to have at one's disposal
öğrenmeye başla
For much of his life he'd been in the junkyard business.
öğrenmeye başla
A fuel depot with an attached port had existed there since 1928.
rząd wielkości (np. w matematyce) öğrenmeye başla
przypisywać coś czemuś, czynić coś odpowiedzialnym za coś öğrenmeye başla
put something down to sth To simply put it down to how much we love and admire Jenkins.
rozklekotany, koślawy, pokrzywiony Bylo tam rozklekotane łóżko, zajmujące prawie całą przestrzeń öğrenmeye başla
There was a rickety bed taking up most of the space.
öğrenmeye başla
idempotentny (niezmieniający wyniku przy kolejnych powtórzeniach) öğrenmeye başla
Managing the data state of idempotent services is the only complexity.
w końcu coś zrobić, zabrać się do czegoś (co było długo odkładane) öğrenmeye başla
get round to doing something
odłożyć coś, przełożyć coś na później, opóźnić coś On odłożył pisanie wypracowania do ostatniej chwili. öğrenmeye başla
He put off writing the essay until the last minute.
Przestałem lubić pizzę po tym, jak miałem zatrucie pokarmowe. öğrenmeye başla
I went off pizza after I had food poisoning.
stopniowo zasypiać, odpływać öğrenmeye başla
When he left they just drifted off into the bush.
przekazanie (np. wiedzy), wręczenie, dostarczenie öğrenmeye başla
Just last week, the handover of Iraq happened two days earlier than expected.
sporadyczny, przerywany (np. sen) öğrenmeye başla
However, only a few years later, water supply became intermittent again.
öğrenmeye başla
The game did not always go according to plan, though.
stosujący wiele procedur bezpieczeństwa z przezorności, aby wyeliminować ryzyko öğrenmeye başla
skromny, bezpretensjonalny (o osobie öğrenmeye başla
But what if your unassuming parents would actually like a party?
koncert, występ, praca dorywcza öğrenmeye başla
bieganina, krzątanina, przekręt, szwindel Przed Świętami Bożego Narodzenia zawsze jest pełno bieganiny. öğrenmeye başla
There is always a lot of hustle before Christmas.
mediator, rozjemca, pośrednik Instytucje europejskie muszą działać jako mediator w wewnętrznych konfliktach. öğrenmeye başla
Europe must act as an intermediary during internal conflicts.
wygnanie, zesłanie, przymusowa emigracja Moje dzieci i ja zostaliśmy skazani na wygnanie. öğrenmeye başla
My children and I are being sent into exile.
kolczasty, schlany, nawalony öğrenmeye başla
The other guy, the one with the spiked hair, now, he looked dangerous.
inwazyjny, rozprzestrzeniający się öğrenmeye başla
By his third book, he had learned how invasive they are.
öğrenmeye başla
He'd seen quite a bit of damage in the cornea.
To było złośliwe z twojej strony, że zjadłeś całe ciasto. öğrenmeye başla
It was mean of you to eat the whole cake.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
It would take a while to get used to these critters.
öğrenmeye başla
In this respect they were not one whit less human than we.
uczynić niezdolnym, uczynić niesprawnym, obezwładnić, unieszkodliwić öğrenmeye başla
I'm always the one helping you home because you're incapacitated.
nie śmiertelna (np. pułapka) öğrenmeye başla
Some just want to provide non-lethal stuff, which is fine.
Wszystko zostanie rozwiązane w momencie, w którym oni wejdą na murawę. öğrenmeye başla
Everything will be settled as soon as they enter the turf.
poufny, tajny, owiany tajemnicą öğrenmeye başla
narada, pertraktacje, rokowania, dyskusja öğrenmeye başla
Until it did, he would have to continue his parley.
To nie jest bajka, nie będziemy żyli długo i szczęśliwie! öğrenmeye başla
It's not a fairy tale, we won't live happily ever after!
öğrenmeye başla
The circumference of its mouth is more than one feet.
narąbany, spruty, nachlany öğrenmeye başla
skorupka, odłamek (naczynia) On upuścił talerz, którego odłamki rozsypały się po podłodze. öğrenmeye başla
He dropped the plate and its shards scattered all over the floor.
skończyć, pożegnać się (np. w audycji radiowej) Musimy się pożegnać, ale bądźcie z nami w przyszłym tygodniu. öğrenmeye başla
We have to sign off but make sure to join us next week.