18 - VAT.

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VAT is charged on... by... in... in...
öğrenmeye başla
taxable supply | by a taxable person | in the UK | in the course or furtherance of a business.
VAT. With Exempt supply no tax is charged and trader is unable to ... and to...
öğrenmeye başla
to register | and reclaim input VAT.
VAT Taxable person is someone who...
öğrenmeye başla
who is, | or is required to be registered for VAT.
Compulsory registration for VAT is required when value of ... exceeds the registration threshold (£85,000)
öğrenmeye başla
taxable supplies (standard or zero-rated, excluding capital expenditure). Nota than monitoring the level of taxable supplies is relevant, not the cash receipts!
VAT Voluntary registration. Traders ... can register at any time.
öğrenmeye başla
making taxable supplies (standard or zero-rated)
Compulsory registration. Historic turnover test (£85 000) is performed...
öğrenmeye başla
at the end of each month.
Due date of informing HMRC about compulsory registration:
öğrenmeye başla
30 days of the end of the month in which the threshold is exceeded.
VAT registration future test is performed constantly.
Compulsory registration is in force from ... or from...
öğrenmeye başla
from the first day of the second month after taxable supplier exceeded the threshold. | Or from agreed earlier date.
Compulsory registration tests:
öğrenmeye başla
Historic turnover test. | Future test.
VAT registration future test:
öğrenmeye başla
Taxable supplies in the next 30 days is expected to exceed £85 000.
VAT registration future test. HMRC must be informed by...
öğrenmeye başla
by the end of the 30 day period in which the threshold is expected to be exceeded.
Future test. Registration is in force from...
öğrenmeye başla
from the START of the 30 days period (in which it is expected to exceed the threshold).
Voluntary registration advantages:
öğrenmeye başla
Monthly returns registration possibility to aid cashflow - If making zero-rated supplies | Repayable VAT shown by VAT returns - If zero-rated supplies. | Penalties for late registration avoiding. | Input tax recoverable. | Substantial business impression.
+Third parties prevent from knowing the size of business.
Disadvantages of voluntary registration.
öğrenmeye başla
Administration burden. | Output charged on sales*. | Financial penalties if fails to comply with the obligations imposed by the VAT regime.
*If make standard-rated supplies to customers who are not VAT registered, it will be an additional cost to them. It may affect competitiveness.
Compulsory deregistration is when...
öğrenmeye başla
when cease to make taxable supplies.
HMRC must be informed about compulsory deregistration within...
öğrenmeye başla
within 30 days of ceasing to make taxable supplies.
Compulsory deregistration from date of ... or...
öğrenmeye başla
cessation of making taxable supply | or an agreed earlier date.
Voluntary deregistration is possible if...
öğrenmeye başla
if value of expected taxable supplies in the next 12 months will not be greater than £83000. Any time when this test is satisfied.
Voluntary deregistration date:
öğrenmeye başla
Date of request for deregistration. | or an agreed later date.
Consequences of VAT deregistration - Final VAT charge on deregistration:
öğrenmeye başla
Output charge must be accounted for on REPLACEMENT VALUE of inventory and capital assets on hand at the date of deregistration. | Exclude items if no input tax reclaimed on them.* | No output charge if VAT liability on deemed supply is up to £1000**.
*like cars purchased with private use. | **e.g. like keeping van for own use, when its value was £4,700. | No charge if registration is transferred.
How often VAT returns are filed?
öğrenmeye başla
Normally quarterly, but if entity receives VAT repayments, then can elect for monthly returns.
VAT payable formula:
öğrenmeye başla
VAT payable = Total output tax − TIT
Return filing and payment VAT methods:
öğrenmeye başla
Business must file the return online | and pay electronically.
VAT return filing and payment due date:
öğrenmeye başla
within 1 month and 7 days of the end of the VAT period.
Both filing and payment.
VAT-inclusive amounts:
öğrenmeye başla
VAT = Gross amount × 20/120 (or 1/6). | Net amount = Gross amount × 100/120 (or 5/6).
Output VAT. Value of supply when consideration in money formula:
öğrenmeye başla
Trader's VAT-exclusive selling price − the trade or bulk discounts amount.*
If a prompt payment discount is offered, VAT is charged on the amount received.
Output VAT. Determination of Value of supply when consideration NOT in money, or money and something other than money:
öğrenmeye başla
open market value
Output VAT valuing - Gifts of inventory and non-current assets:
öğrenmeye başla
replacement value
Output VAT valuing - Gift type that are NOT taxable supplies:
öğrenmeye başla
Goods up £50 per customer, per year. | Any number of business samples. | Gifts of service (to employees and customers).
Output VAT valuing - Goods for own use:
öğrenmeye başla
Replacement value if purchased for business purposes | (no output VAT if purchased for private purposes).
Output VAT relief for irrecoverable debts is available where:
öğrenmeye başla
OUTPUT tax in respect of an outstanding debt has been accounted for and paid by the supplier. | The supplier has written the debt off in the accounts as irrecoverable. | 6 months has elapsed since the debt was due.
Output VAT relief for irrecoverable debts. What is the form of this claim?
öğrenmeye başla
Claim the relief as input VAT on the VAT return.
Irrecoverable debts and VAT. Customers who have not paid for goods and services within ... must REPAY the input tax they have previously claimed.
öğrenmeye başla
within 6 months of the due date
Transfer of a going concern (TOGC). Transfer of a business is not treated as a supply for VAT purposes, therefore:
öğrenmeye başla
No output VAT is charged on asset transferred by seller. | No input VAT recoverable by purchaser.
All conditions that must be satisfied for Transfer of a going concern:
öğrenmeye başla
No significant Break in trading. | To a taxable person.* | The same type of trade carried on after the transfer.
*VAT registered or liable to become VAT registered.
What item cannot be part as Transfer of a going concern?
öğrenmeye başla
A building with option to tax | unless the purchaser also opts to tax building.
TOGC and VAT registration. Transferee may Take over VAT registration of the transferor, but...
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but also inherits the transferor's VAT liabilities.
Conduct where a business does not meet the VAT TOGC conditions:
öğrenmeye başla
VAT is payable on the individual assets transferred.
Conditions to reclaim input VAT:
öğrenmeye başla
Goods and services must be used for BUSINESS purposes. | Supply must be properly supported, normally by VAT INVOICE. | Must be TAXABLE PERSON when incurred.* | Supply must have been to the SAME person that making the claim.
Input VAT. Capital and revenue expenditure:
öğrenmeye başla
There is no distinction between capital and revenue expenditure. Input VAT is recoverable on the purchase of capital assets as well as revenue expenditure.
Revenue expenditures - short-term expenses used in the current period or typically within one year.
Categories of VAT non-deductible items:
öğrenmeye başla
Fuel. | Own use goods. | Private use. | Entertainment for business purposes. | Motor cars.
Non-deductible input VAT - business entertainment rules:
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hospitality of any kind (food, drink, accommodation). | Excludes staff entertainment | and entertaining overseas customers.
Recoverability of input VAT - motor cars rules:
öğrenmeye başla
Purchase- only recoverable if used 100% for business.| Leasing- if PARTLY used for private purposes, 50% of VAT on leasing charge is recoverable. | motor Expenses - provided SOME business use - 100% recoverable.
Disposal - If input VAT is not recovered on purchase, output VAT is not charged on the disposal.
Deductibility of input VAT for fuel:
öğrenmeye başla
Input tax 100% deductible even if private fuel provided.
Fuel. Output VAT is chargeable on:
öğrenmeye başla
Fuel reimbursed in full (amount reimbursed). | Not reimbursed in full: fuel scale charge (CO2 based).
Deductibility of VAT - private use.
öğrenmeye başla
Input VAT cannot be claimed on goods or services not used for business purposes. | An apportionment is made for partial private use.
Recoverability of VAT - goods for own use:
öğrenmeye başla
Input VAT not recoverable if purchased for private purposes.
Where VAT is not recoverable on capital expenditure (e.g. purchase of a car) capital allowance are claimed on ... cost.
key point
öğrenmeye başla
the VAT-inclusive cost.
Pre-registration input VAT - condition to reclaim it:
öğrenmeye başla
Goods acquired in the 4 years before registration | and still held at date of registration. | Services supplied in the 6 months before registration.
Cash accounting scheme - operation:
öğrenmeye başla
VAT accounted for on cash payments and cash receipts.
Cash accounting scheme conditions:
öğrenmeye başla
TAXABLE* turnover up to £1,350,000. | VAT payments and returns must be up to date. | Must leave the scheme if taxable turnover exceeds £1,600,000.
including zero-rated sales, but excluding VAT and sales of capital assets
Advantages of Cash accounting scheme:
öğrenmeye başla
Do not pay output tax until receive payment from customer. | Provides automatic relief for irrecoverable debts. | Administration burden reduction.
Flat rate scheme - operation:
öğrenmeye başla
Flat rate applied to total turnover (including exempt supplies and VAT). | Flat rate determined by trade sector. | Flat rate only used to simplify preparation of VAT returns (still need to issue tax invoices).
Flat rate scheme - conditions:
öğrenmeye başla
TAXABLE SUPPLIES (excluding VAT) for the next 12 months will not exceed £150,000. | Businesses are eligible to stay in the scheme until their TOTAL TURNOVER exceeds £230,000 (including exempt supplies and VAT).
It is not possible to join both the flat rate scheme and the cash accounting scheme.
Flat rate scheme - advantages:
öğrenmeye başla
Reduces administration - do not need to account for VAT on individual purchases. | May reduce total VAT payable.
Annual accounting scheme - essence:
öğrenmeye başla
One VAT return prepared a year.
Annual accounting scheme - Return date due:
öğrenmeye başla
2 months after end of annual VAT period.
Annual accounting scheme - operation:
öğrenmeye başla
Payments on account (POA)*. | Balancing payment due with the VAT return on the same date. | New business base POA on estimated VAT liability.
*9 POA due in months 4-12. | Each POA is 10% of VAT for previous year.
Annual accounting scheme - conditions:
öğrenmeye başla
Taxable* turnover not more than £1,350,000. | VAT payments and returns must be up to date. | Must leave the scheme if taxable turnover exceeds £1,600,000.
*including zero-rated sales, but excluding VAT and sales of capital assets
Annual accounting scheme - advantages:
öğrenmeye başla
Reduces administration. | Regular payments can help cashflow.
When Land and buildings are VAT zero-rated?
öğrenmeye başla
Residential and charitable buildings if | freehold sales | or leases longer than 21 years.
When Land and buildings are compulsory VAT standard-rated?
öğrenmeye başla
Sales of new freehold commercial buildings | (that is within 3 years of their constructions).
When Land and buildings are VAT exempt?
öğrenmeye başla
All other* supplies unless exemption is waived ('opting to tax').
*other than standard-rated 3 years old commercial buildings | and zero-rated freehold and leases longer than 21 years.
A VAT registered vendor or lessor of a building can opt to waive the exemption of the building. This is usually referred to as 'opting to tax'.
VAT, land and buildings - option to tax election conditions:
öğrenmeye başla
Election must be filed within 30 days of signing. | Can be withdraw within initial 6 months cooling off period or after 20 years.* | Election cannot be made for part of a building, although the election can be made separately for each property owned.
*otherwise irrevocable.
VAT, land and buildings - option to tax impact:
öğrenmeye başla
Future supplies (sales or rents) must be standard-rated. | Input tax can be recovered. | New owners aren’t bound by a previous owner’s election, except for transfers within a VAT group. | Supply becomes a taxable supply.
Traders who make both taxable and exempt supplies recoverability:
öğrenmeye başla
only part of the input tax is recoverable (partial exemption).
Input tax is analysed into 3 categories:
öğrenmeye başla
Taxable supplies. | Exempt supplies. | The reminder (for example non-attributable input tax on overheads)
Recoverability of input tax on goods and services wholly used for the purpose of making TAXABLE SUPPLIES:
öğrenmeye başla
Wholly available for credit.
Recoverability of input tax on goods and services used wholly for making EXEMPT SUPPLIES:
öğrenmeye başla
Wholly disallowed.
Non-attributable input VAT reclaimable formula:
Recoverability of input tax on non-attributable goods and services - the amount available for credit is found by apportionment.
öğrenmeye başla
Total taxable supplies (excluding VAT) ÷ Total supplies. | [Exclude supplies of CAPITAL GOODS].
Round % up to next whole number. | Any other reasonable method of apportionment can be agreed with HMRC. | Can either calculate the reclaimable % each quarter or can use last year's %.
VAT reclaimable. Recalculate recoverable % at the end of each accounting period based on actual supplies for the year. When any under- or over-payment (ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT) is accounted for?
öğrenmeye başla
in final VAT return for the year, | or first VAT return after the end of the year.
All input tax (including that relating wholly or partly to exempt supplies) may be recovered if the business is below the...
öğrenmeye başla
de minimis limits.
3 tests to see whether a business is de minimis:
Status must be reviewed at end of the AP based on whole year. | Annual adjustment made if necessary.
öğrenmeye başla
TIT⩽ £625 per month on average and value of exempt supplies ⩽50% of value of total supplies. | TIT − input tax DIRECTLY attributable to taxable supplies ⩽ £625 on average and value of exempt supplies ⩽50% of value of total supplies.
Input tax relating to exempt supplies (including indirectly attributable) ⩽ £625, and input tax relating to exempt supplies ⩽50% of TIT
If business was de minimis last year, it can..., unless...
öğrenmeye başla
can provisionally recover all VAT this year, | unless input tax expected to be more than £ 1 million.
So the entity can provisionally recover all input VAT relating to exempt supplies in each return period without having to perform de minimis calculation.| At end of AP de minimis status must be reviewed and annual adjustment made if necessary
Annual test*. The business can apply the minimis tests once a year rather than every return period if:
Annual test for computing the amount of recoverable input VAT during an accounting period. All conditions must be satisfied.
öğrenmeye başla
The business was de minimis in the previous year | and the annual test is applied consistently throughout the current year | and the TIT for the current year is not expected to exceed £ 1 million.
So the entity can provisionally recover all input VAT relating to exempt supplies in each return period without having to perform de minimis calculation.| At end of AP de minimis status must be reviewed and annual adjustment made if necessary
Capital goods scheme applies to..., who...
öğrenmeye başla
to partially exempt traders | who spend large sums on land and buildings or computer equipment.
Initial deduction of input tax is made in the ordinary way and then reviewed over a set adjustment period.
Assets cover by the Capital Goods Scheme, their respective thresholds and adjustment periods:
öğrenmeye başla
Land and buildings from £ 250,000; adjustment period is 10 years*. | Computer equipment from £ 50 000; 5 years.
*or 5 years where subject to a lease of less than 10 year at acquisition.
How Capital goods scheme operation? A trader making say 70% taxable supplies and 30% exempt supplies can initially... Adjustments are made over the next 10 or 5 years if...
öğrenmeye başla
reclaim 70% of the input VAT charged in respect of a building. | if the proportion of exempt supplies changes.
Capital goods scheme. The annual adjustment formula:
öğrenmeye başla
(TIT ÷ 10 or 5 years) × (% now − % in the original year)
(TIT ÷ 10/5y) × (%N − %OY)
Different rules for disposal of buildings. TIT - total input tax.
Capital goods scheme. Disposal of building in adjustment period means normal annual adjustment. Further adjustment for remainder of adjustment period:
öğrenmeye başla
If disposal taxable: 100% taxable use. | If disposal exempt: 0% taxable use.
How long VAT records must be kept?
öğrenmeye başla
6 years
Type of VAT records that business must keep for 6 years:
öğrenmeye başla
VAT Accounts. | evidence to support Recovery of input tax. | copies of Invoices issued. | Output records (e.g. sales day book).
Errors in VAT returns can give rise to...
öğrenmeye başla
Default interest. | and Standard penalty for the submission of an incorrect VAT return.
Standard penalties apply in the same way for IT, CGT, CT and VAT.
Default surcharge arises if:
öğrenmeye başla
Return submitted late | or VAT paid late.
Consequences of VAT first default:
öğrenmeye başla
HMRC serves a surcharge liability notice. | Specifies a surcharge period: ending 12 months after the end of the VAT period to which the defaults relates.
Consequences of VAT NON-first default:
öğrenmeye başla
Surcharge period extended to 12 months after the end of the VAT period in which the latest default relates. | If default involves late payment of VAT - SURCHARGE PENALTY levied.
Surcharge rates:
öğrenmeye başla
If default in 1st surcharge period - 2% of VAT unpaid.| Second - 5% |Third - 10%. | Fourth and more - 15%.
Surcharges assessments at rates up to 5% will not be issued for amounts under £400. | Where rate is 10 % or more, the minimum surcharge is £30.
Error on VAT returns. De minimis LIMIT of error if found by trader and disclosed voluntary formula:
öğrenmeye başla
greater of | £10,000 | and 1% of turnover | subject to an upper limit £ 50,000.
Error on VAT returns - if found BY TRADER consequences If net error UP TO minimis limit:
öğrenmeye başla
Include on next VAT return. | Standard penalty | no default interest.
Error on VAT returns - if found BY TRADER consequences If net error OVER minimis limit:
öğrenmeye başla
Separate notification*. | Standard penalty | and default interest*.
*the same if error found by HMRC.
Error on VAT returns found by HMRC - periods of assessment:
öğrenmeye başla
Within 4 years of relevant VAT period. | 20 years if deliberate error.
Consequences: standard penalty and default interest.
Error on VAT returns found by HMRC. Options of defence for tax payer:
öğrenmeye başla
Option to request review of decision by HMRC review officer. | 2nd level: Appeal to tribunal within 30 days.
VAT default interest arises when:
öğrenmeye başla
HMRC raise an assessment to collect undeclared or overclaimed VAT. | Voluntary disclosure of error exceeding de minimis limit.
VAT default interest is charged from ... to...
öğrenmeye başla
form due date of payment | to actual date of payment.
VAT annual adjustment example and state when it must be reported to HMRC:
öğrenmeye başla
Input tax recovered on the four quarterly returns was £23,000. Actual recoverable input tax is £24,114. So annual adjustment is £914 additional input tax recoverable. | In final VAT return for the year, or first VAT return after the end of the year.
Taxable supply is £1,190,000 and exempt supply is £430,000. What is the relevant percentage of Recoverable unattributed input tax?
öğrenmeye başla
74% (it must be rounded up to next full percentage point).
(£1,190,000 ÷ (£1,190,000 + £430,000)) × 100 = 73.4%.
Late VAT registration consequences:
öğrenmeye başla
Company is required to charge output tax on the sales it has made after the date on which it should have been registered*. | Interest in respect of late VAT paid. | Penalty - % of potential lost revenue; % depends on the reason for the late registration.
*This will be a cost to company unless it is able to recover the VAT from its customers.
Company purchased 2 years old commercial building. Would be financially beneficial to opt to tax?
öğrenmeye başla
Company spent a lot of for input VAT. So it will be beneficial - at least in the short term - to opt to tax in order to to reclaim this tax. | It will also enable the company to recover the input tax in respect of the building’s RUNNING COSTS.
However, company must charged VAT on rents. | Marketability of the building would also need to be considered.
Calculate input tax recoverable form or payable to HMRC for each of the three years ending 31 March 2022 under capital goods scheme:
acquired on 1 Feb. 2020 paying VAT of £64,000, 70% taxable use.| Warehouse is sold 1 Aug. 2021 - VAT charged was £70,000 (option to tax).| Year ended 31 March 2020 - 70%. | Year ended 31 March 2021 - 55%. | Period from 1 April 2021 to 1 August 2021 - 50%.
öğrenmeye başla
44,800 recoverable from HMRC. | 960 repayable. | 1,280 repayable and 13,440 recoverable.
£64,000 × 70% | £64,000 × 15% (70% – 55%) × 1/10. | £64,000 × 20% (70% – 50%) × 1/10 and £64,000 × 30% (100% – 70%) × 7/10.
Can VAT registration number can be transferred from unincorporated business to a new company?
öğrenmeye başla
The change in legal status of a business means that an individual is required to cancel the business’s VAT registration. The VAT registration number may be transferred, in which case the incorporated company will take over the VAT rights and liabilities.

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