soru |
cevap |
This money has enabled me to buy a new computer. verb - to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible. öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
1. They assembled in the meeting room after lunch. 2. a factory that assembled parts for trucks. verb - 1. to join other people somewhere to make a group, or to bring people together into a group. 2. to build something by joining parts together. öğrenmeye başla
gromadzić, zbierać się, montować
1. The doctor suggested that he abstain from alcohol. 2. 63 members voted in favour, 39 opposed and 5 abstained. verb - (often with from) not to do, take etc. öğrenmeye başla
1. The UN special envoy to Yugoslavia. 2. He was sent to France as the king’s envoy. noun - someone who is sent to represent their government in another country. öğrenmeye başla
He seems a lot better than his predecessor. noun - the person who was in a job or position before. öğrenmeye başla
1. The government has promised to allocate extra money for health care. 2. More police time should be allocated to crime prevention. verb - to give some time, money, space, etc to be used for a particular purpose. öğrenmeye başla
alokować, przydzielić, przeznaczać
1. Children must learn to distinguish between right and wrong. 2. People have difficulty distinguishing Tracy from her twin sister Mary. verb - to recognize the differences between two people, ideas, or things. öğrenmeye başla
1. The contracts were declared void. 2. The treaty has been declared void. adj - not legally or officially acceptable. öğrenmeye başla
1. The smell of him repulsed her. 2. The British garrison of some 350 troops was able to repulse the attack. verb - 1. If someone or something repulses you, you think they are extremely unpleasant. 2. to successfully stop a military attack (to repel an enemy). öğrenmeye başla
The project has suffered a series of setbacks this year. noun - a problem that makes something happen later or more slowly than it should. öğrenmeye başla
komplikacja, pogorszenie, problem
1. Taking a hot bath before bed can help induce sleep. / He fell into a drug-induced coma. 2. Nothing would induce me to marry that man! verb - 1. to cause something, especially a particular physical condition. 2. to persuade someone to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. öğrenmeye başla
spowodować, wywołać, nakłaniać
He tries to intimidate his rivals. verb - to intentionally frighten someone, especially so that they will do what you want. öğrenmeye başla
Heat deforms plastic. verb - to spoil (to damage or ruin; to make bad or useless) the shape of. öğrenmeye başla
1. Her face was distorted with pain. / Metal distorts under stress. 2. Newspapers distorted the truth about their marriage. verb - 1. to change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange. 2. to change information so that it is not true or realistic. öğrenmeye başla
1. a permanent job. 2. After many years of travelling, they made a permanent home in England. adj - 1. continuing forever or for a long time. 2. lasting; not temporary. öğrenmeye başla
1. an ambiguous statement. 2. ‘After the cat caught the mouse, it died’ is an ambiguous statement because it is unclear whether ‘it’ refers to the cat or the mouse. adj - having more than one possible meaning. öğrenmeye başla
an unequivocal answer. öğrenmeye başla