öğrenmeye başla
we are going to take a mortgage to buy a home
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if you can't afford to buy a phone I can borrow you some money
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we live about 100 kms west of Cracow
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we are going to alter kids room
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it was renovated in '90 with all the expected amenities
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strong wind snatch the door of the hinges
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öğrenmeye başla
you should put some oil on the creaky door
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i assume that the master bedroom is up for grabs
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I call dibs on the biggest bed
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my brother in law has very manicured lawn
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their bought expensive appliances to new home
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she was unloading this truck all by herself
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i remember watching her thorough the crack in my door
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he's asking me to come live with him
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upstairs from you/ above you (live)
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I had to disassemble bunk beds becaus Zoe fell out of bed
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for the time of renovation, we occupy a small apartment
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Mat and Zoe share a room and they are sleep in bunk beds
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opiekować się domem pod nieobecność właściciela öğrenmeye başla
my sister's family are leaving for holiday so I will house-sitting for them
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utilities (electricity, gas) we have to pay utilities: water, gas, electricity
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if you have an extra room in your own place you can rent it to a lodger
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if you own an extra house you can rent it out to tenants
osiedle strzeżone ze szlabanem öğrenmeye başla
guarded estate with a barrier, gated community with a barrier
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pay it off in installments we will pay a bank loan in installments for 30 years
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I screamed at the top of my lungs but nobody hear me
na szybko, bez zastanowienia, pierwsza myśl öğrenmeye başla
I never know off the top of my head where is Pakistan
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this stuff ain't hot, is it?
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we have expansive terrace in our flat in Zalesie
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in my son's room is a bit of disarray
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this apartment has got a yard. sort of
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this kind of bird are extremely uncommon in Poland
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we live on Zalesie district
proszę podnieść / opuścić szlaban öğrenmeye başla
please raise / lower the barrier
potrzebujemy więcej miejsca do przechowywania öğrenmeye başla
we need more storage room
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there is a hall with a coat closet as well as a walk-in closet
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there is a living-room with a kitchen area
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go up the stairs, climb the stairs people prefer use the elevator/lift then climb the stairs
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there is also a staircase but it is hardly ever used
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underground parking garage there is a very convinient underground parking garage in our building
wspominać, przypomnieć sobie öğrenmeye başla
I recall that day as a nightmare
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teh weight of the coffin spread out over 4 people
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hiking is a burden on the human body
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my mom caught me sleepwalking a few times