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innate talent
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a special ability that you were born with
Do you think musicians like Beethoven or artists like Picasso are born with an innate talent,
put their success down to
It's not luck, it's hard work
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attribute their success to
lifelong passion
This is a lifelong passion of mine.
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something you have been dedicated to all your life.
academically/artistically/physically gifted
Do you agree that any parent can train their children to become word-class at something or does the child need to be born academically/artistically/physically gifted
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particularly good at academic studies/art/physical activities
Do you inherit everything from your parents? If you can inherit eye and hair colour from a parent,
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derive genetically from your parents/ancestors
do you think it is possible to also inherit personality traits?
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distinguishing qualities or charactistics
How much do you think a parent is able to shape their child's future and success?
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help determine
Why is Clarissa's achievement special?
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Her achievement is special because she is so young.
Who was influential in helping Clarissa become a chess master?
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Clarissa's father has been influential as he taught her to play chess when she was young.
What is Clarissa's ambition?
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Clarissa would like to be world champion as soon as possible.
At this tournament in Philadelphia she's taking on players (?) her age, and then some.
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At this tournament in Philadelphia she's taking on players twice her age, and then some.
Fewer than (?) percent of chess players in America reach the level of master.
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Fewer than two percent of chess players in America reach the level of master.
But Clarissa is so unassuming that many others aren't even (?) she plays chess.
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But Clarissa is so unassuming that many others aren't even aware she plays chess.
She's just a normal, everyday young (?) going about her business in a middle school.
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She's just a normal, everyday young adolescent going about her business in a middle school.
Clarissa: "I guess it's no big (?) really".
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Clarissa: "I guess it's no big deal really".
Mun picks her up from school, she hangs out with her friends, and she does (?), eventually.
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Mun picks her up from school, she hangs out with her friends, and she does homework, eventually.
But chess is her passion. And at her local club recently she played (?) games simultaneously.
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But chess is her passion. And at her local club recently she played thirty-one games simultaneously.
Chess can also be a lonely game when you're so (?) nobody wants to play with you at all.
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Chess can also be a lonely game when you're so good nobody wants to play with you at all.
Listen to someone debating the role of nature versus nurture.
Which side of the argument does she present? What examples does she give to justify her ideas?
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The speaker presents the "nurture" side of the argument, suggesting that people do not inherit their abilities but that they develop them through experience.
She uses the example that a child born with a natural ability for music will not develop into a good pianist unless he or she practises the piano.
Which key phrases are used to introduce the argument?
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I'd like to begin by stating that
Which key phrases are used to invite questions
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does anyone have a question? Are there any other questions?
Which key phrases are used to justify an opinion
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As I see it; what I think is; I would say it; depends on; what you need to consider is; I think it's ridiculous to suggest; I absolutely reject the idea that
Which key phrases are used to respond to questions
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that's a good question, because
Which key phrases are used to conclude
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so; to conclude I would have to argue that
The writer suggests that teaching a young child to play a musical instrument will offer them huge benefits in their later life, perhaps helping them to develop other skills, such as:
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reasoning and problem-solving, but certainly enabling them to broaden their understanding and appreciation of the world.
Chess piece
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A chess piece, or chessman, is any of the 32 movable objects deployed on a chessboard used to play the game of chess.
In a standard game of chess, each of the two players begins a game with the following 16 pieces:
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1 king 1 queen 2 rooks 2 bishops 2 knights 8 pawns

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