soru |
cevap |
emocje, jak sie czujemy öğrenmeye başla
My dog is interested in bones. My cat is bored
Jeżeli kot cały dzień leżał na kanapie. Przymiotniki z -ing opisują coś co wywołuje te emocje. Ja jestem BORED ponieważ coś jest BORING öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
I got a new toy and I'm so excited
öğrenmeye başla
Ta zabawka wywołuje u mnie te emocje EXCITING, dlatego czuje się EXCITED
öğrenmeye başla
She's so depressed, she broke up (zerwała) with her boyfriend
öğrenmeye başla
And the situation is so depressing
öğrenmeye başla
Don't talk to me, I'm so ennoyed. You are so ennoing
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I feel so disappointed. I thought I could count on you
öğrenmeye başla
And it was so disappointing
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przy uczeniu się języka I had a list of hundred words and I remember about ten. And then I feel so frustrated. Because is frastreiting situation
öğrenmeye başla
to jest flustrujqce, nieprawdaż? It's so frustrating, isn't it,
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He punished me for something I didn't do
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öğrenmeye başla
I broke up with my boyfriend
öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
grocery shop, grocery store, food shop, food store where is the nearest grocery store
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smoking- palenie Am l allowed to smoke here? Can I smoke here?
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Can I get in with my dog. Am I allowed to get in with my dog
czynsz, wynajmować, wypozyczyc öğrenmeye başla
Where can I rent a bike. I am looking for a bike rental.
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Will you recommend place with the best, cheapest local food
öğrenmeye başla
There's no reason for you to be embarrassed