25 02 There is/are something somewhere

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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
na ekranie są obrazki
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there are pictures on the screen
dzieci są w parku
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there are kids in the park
na drzewie są jabłka
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there are apples on the tree
w pokoju są krzesła
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there are chairs in the room
w kuchni są ludzie
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there are people in the kitchen
w miesiącu jest 30 dni
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there are 30 days in a month
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W lutym jest 28 dni
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There are 28 days in February
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a = one
ten konkretny
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W biurze jest jedno biurko
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There is a desk in the office
Na drzewie jest ptak
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There is a bird on the tree.
trzy wolne drzewa
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three free trees
tam jest/są coś gdzieś
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There is/are something somewhere
Na stole jest ksiażka
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There is a book on the table
Na łóżku jest kot
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There is a cat on the bed
W telefonie jest wiadomość
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There is a message in the phone
W poniedziałek jest zebranie
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There is a meeting on Monday
W tym tekście jest błąd
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There is a mistake in the text
Na ulicy jest samochów
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There is a car on the street
Na ulicy są samochody
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There are cars on the street
W pokoju jest jakaś osoba
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There is a person in the room
W pokoju są ludzie
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There are people in the room
Na drzwie jest jabłko
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There is an apple on the tree.
Na drzwie są jabłka
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There are apples on the tree.
W parku jest dziecko
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There is a kid in the park.
W parku są dzieci
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There are kids in the park
Cz w parku są dzieci?
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Are there children in the park?
Tak, są
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Yes, there are
Nie, nie ma
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No, there aren’t
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excuse me
czy jest tu blisko jakiś hotel?
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is there a hotel near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiś parking?
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is there a car park near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiś sklep?
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is there a shop near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiś apteka?
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is there a pharmacy near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiś przystanek autobusowy?
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is there a bus stop near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiaś poczta?
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is there a post office near here?
czy jest tu blisko jakiś bankomat?
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is there a cash dispenser near here?
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a cash dispenser; a cash point; an ATM
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