soru |
cevap |
Kto dopilnuje przygotowań do imprezy? öğrenmeye başla
Who will see to the arrangements for the party?
Nie martw się. Dopilnuję tego. öğrenmeye başla
Don’t worry. I’ll see to it.
Zaproponowali, że mnie odprowadzą na stację. öğrenmeye başla
They offered to see me off at the station.
Czy chcesz, żebym ich odprowadził? öğrenmeye başla
Do you want me to see them off?
Przejrzałem wszystkie jego tanie sztuczki. öğrenmeye başla
I saw through all his cheap tricks.
Możesz podrzeć ten kontrakt. Nie mam zamiaru go podpisywać. öğrenmeye başla
You can tear this contract up. I’m not going to sign it.
Stary budynek zostanie zburzony öğrenmeye başla
The old building is going to be torn down
Jezeli nie zburzylibysmy tego budynku, mielibysmy teraz piekny zabytek öğrenmeye başla
If we had not torn down this building, we would have now a beautiful monument
Jest kompletnie rozbita po śmierci brata. öğrenmeye başla
She is completely torn apart after her brother’s death.
Ona rozdarla bluzke o plot öğrenmeye başla
She tore her tshirt on the fence
Czy mogę oderwac kawalek? öğrenmeye başla
Nie ma sprawy, podre te dokumenty. öğrenmeye başla
No worries, I will tear these documents up.
Mamy dużo do omówienia. Odfajkuję to, co już zrobiliśmy. öğrenmeye başla
We’ve got a lot to talk over. I’ll check off what we’ve already done.
Spróbujmy namówić go, żeby wziął udział w tym konkursie. öğrenmeye başla
Let’s try to talk him into taking part in the competition.
Nie bardzo chciałem iść. Jack mnie przekonał. öğrenmeye başla
I didn’t really want to go. Jack talked me into it.
Zrobiłem, co mogłem, aby odradzić mu pójście tam, ale on nie chciał mnie słuchać. öğrenmeye başla
I did my best to talk him out of going, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
Tim próbował mi to odradzić. öğrenmeye başla
Tim was trying to talk me out of it.