soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
walka, (have difficulty) (at school, with job, in market) [person, company] mieć trudności (difficult task, effort) it was a struggle but it was worth it było ciężko, ale się opłaciło
öğrenmeye başla
. Comm (show, set out) wywie|sić, -szać [notice, poster, advertisement]; wystawi|ć, -ać, wy|łożyć, -kładać [food, goods, clothes]
öğrenmeye başla
zapamiętać, na|uczyć się na pamięć (czegoś) [poem, part]
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(recommend) zalec|ić, -ać [rest, course of action]; you are advised to do it powinieneś to zrobić; wskazane jest, żebyś to zrobił
öğrenmeye başla
żaden z dwóch, ani jeden, ani drugi; ani ten, ani tamten; neither of them came
öğrenmeye başla
(allocate) przydziel|ić, -ać [funding, resources, housing, task] (to sb komuś)
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öğrenmeye başla
zniewaga f, obelga, to be an insult to sb/sth obrażać kogoś/coś;
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öğrenmeye başla
(mar) po|psuć, ze|psuć [event, evening, view, effect, taste, holiday] (by doing sth robiąc coś), (pamper, indulge) rozpie|ścić, -szczać, psuć; rozpu|ścić, -szczać infml [person, pet]
öğrenmeye başla
cecha, personality trait cecha charakteru
öğrenmeye başla
teren, (of building, town) położenie n, usytuowanie n, (of recent event, accident) miejsce
öğrenmeye başla
ciągle, stale, ustawicznie
öğrenmeye başla
pasować do (czegoś); this part fits on(to) this section ta część pasuje do tego elementu, where does it fit on? gdzie to ma iść?
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
(pleasant) [experience, feeling, surroundings] przyjemny; [person, feeling] miły; to be agreeable to sb [person] być miłym dla kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
(blow) uderzenie n; (on door) pukanie n, stukanie, (strike) stuk|nąć, -ać [object]; to knock one’s head/arm on sth stuknąć or uderzyć głową/ręką o coś
öğrenmeye başla
strajk, (hit) uderz|yć, -ać [person]; uderz|yć, -ać w (coś) [object, ball]; [torpedo, missile] trafi|ć, -ać w (coś) [target, vessel]; [ship, car, person] uderz|yć, -ać w (coś) [rock, tree]
öğrenmeye başla
w sama pore, w ostatniej chwili
öğrenmeye başla