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Listen to someone proposing an idea to improve an area of their city, What is the idea? What is the speaker proposing to do now?
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The idea is to introduce "cycle hubs" in the city centre. The speaker proposes getting everyone together to discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
hub: the central and most important part of an area, system etc; the central part of a wheel
Harrogate Council to set up cycle hubs in the next (1) years.
Complete the notes
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Harrogate Council to set up cycle hubs in the next five years.
to set up: to establish or create something
Idea: to increase (2) use.
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Idea: to increase bike/ bicycle/cycle use.
Hubs to go in the city (3), where many cyclists go.
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Hubs to go in the city centre, where many cyclists go.
Will make the (4) safer for cyclists.
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Will make the city/city centre/centre safer for cyclists.
Benefits of cycling: fast, good for the environment, (5) and good for fitness.
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Benefits of cycling: fast, good for the environment, cheap and good for fitness.
fitness: when you are healthy and strong enough to play sports or do physical work
Introducing your proposal
Just to give a bit of background information...
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To start with, I'm going to talk briefly about...
Stating the purpose
The aim of the project is to...
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The main goal/objective of our proposal is to...
Describing your idea
What we plan to do is...
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We're going to build/develop/come up with...
come up with: to suggest or think of an idea or plan: She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
Justifying your idea
This solution will help us to...
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This idea is feasible because...
feasible: able to be made, done, or achieved: With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible. [+ to infinitive] It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical?
Listing the benefits
In the first instance, this would mean...
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The short-term/long-term benefits include...
Summarising your proposal
So, basically, what we're proposing (to do) is to...
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To sum up, we're proposing...
Soliciting questions
Does anyone have any questions?
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Is there anything that needs clarification?
Which expressions were used by the speaker in the recording 5?
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Just to give you a bit of background information...; The aim of the project is to ...; What we plan to do is ...; This solution will help us to ...; So, basically, what we're proposing (to do) is to ...; Does anyone have any question?
Just to give a bit of (1), we're computer programmers who have travelled all over the world and have contacts everywhere.
background information/information background
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Just to give a bit of background information, we're computer programmers who have travelled all over the world and have contacts everywhere.
background information
To start (2), we're going to talk briefly about our plan for a website to organise student trips abroad.
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To start with, we're going to talk briefly about our plan for a website to organise student trips abroad.
The main goal (3) our proposal is to get funding for this internet start-up,
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The main goal of our proposal is to get funding for this internet start-up,
and the (4) of the project is to help students travel abroad for life-changing trips.
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and the aim of the project is to help students travel abroad for life-changing trips.
OK, (5) we plan to do is create personalised trips according to the client's interests.
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OK, what we plan to do is create personalised trips according to the client's interests.
We're going to come (6) a menu of travel options linked to the client's profile.
up with/down to
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We're going to come up with a menu of travel options linked to the client's profile.
up with
This idea is (7) because students book everything online and they love travelling, but they also want to avoid the problems of independent travel.
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This idea is feasible because students book everything online and they love travelling, but they also want to avoid the problems of independent travel.
This (8) will help them to realise their dreams.
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This solution will help them to realise their dreams.
Here are the benefits: in the first (9), our idea would mean the client didn't have to organise anything.
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Here are the benefits: in the first instance, our idea would mean the client didn't have to organise anything.
Secondly, there is the (10) benefits of security. We will plan safe itineraries and we'll always know where the traveller is.
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Secondly, there is the long-term benefits of security. We will plan safe itineraries and we'll always know where the traveller is.
So, basically, (11) we're proposing is to tailor holidays for the client using our contacts abroad.
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So, basically, what we're proposing is to tailor holidays for the client using our contacts abroad.
To (12), we want to provide amazing experiences for future generations, and you can be a part of this by providing start-up funds for our site.
sum up/the sum up
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To sum up, we want to provide amazing experiences for future generations, and you can be a part of this by providing start-up funds for our site.
sum up
Some of the sentences below contain extra words.
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Cross out the extra words and tick the correct sentences.
To start up with, I'm going to talk briefly about Manor Studios.
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To start with, I'm going to talk briefly about Manor Studios.
The main goals objective is to renovate the building.
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The main objective is to renovate the building.
The aim of the project is to use the building as a film museum.
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The aim of the project is to use the building as a film museum.
What we plan to do is but renovate and paint the main studio.
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What we plan to do is renovate and paint the main studio.
This idea is too feasible because the buildings have potential.
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This idea is feasible because the buildings have potential.
In the first of instance, our plan requires a €1 million investment.
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In the first instance, our plan requires a €1 million investment.
The long-term benefits include bringing jobs to the area.
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The long-term benefits include bringing jobs to the area.
So that's our plan. Is there anything that needs the clarification?
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So that's our plan. Is there anything that needs clarification?
Which two expressions mean we should put separate ideas together?
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I'd like to propose a compromise. How about if we combine our ideas?
a), d)
Which two expressions ask if there is flexibility to change a plan?
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Is there any way we can reduce the costs? Is there any leeway regarding the schedule?
leeway: freedom to do what you want. e), f)
Which expression means we should think of an answer to a problem?
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Let's try to come up with a solution.
Which expression asks to rethink a problem?
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Let's look at it another way.
Just (?) give (?) background information. I have ten years' experience in marine research.
Complete the proposal. You may need to add more than one word in each gap.
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Just to give (you) a bit of background information. I have ten years' experience in marine research.
(?) main objective (?) proposal (?) get funds for marine research in Australia.
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The main objective of our proposal is to get funds for marine research in Australia.
of our/my/the
(?) aim (?) project (?) document the gradual destruction of Australia's Barrier Reef.
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The (main) aim of the project is to document the gradual destruction of Australia's Barrier Reef.
(?) plan (?) is measure the coral every week for a year.
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What we plan to do is measure the coral every week for a year.
Then (?) come up (?) a plan to minimise the damage.
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Then we're going to come up with a plan to minimise the damage.
(?) idea (?) feasible (?) it follows previous research on the reef.
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The idea is feasible because it follows previous research on the reef.
I hope (?) solution (?) help (?) slow down the destruction of the reef.
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I hope this solution will help us (to) slow down the destruction of the reef.
(?) first instance, (?) mean talking to the Australian authorities about the problem.
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In the first instance, this would mean talking to the Australian authorities about the problem.
(?) long-term benefits (?) preserving the reef with all its diversity of marine life.
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The long-term benefits include preserving the reef with all its diversity of marine life.
(?) basically, (?) proposing is (?) carry out the study in a year and find solutions after that.
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So basically, what we're proposing is to carry out the study in a year and find solutions after that.
(?) anyone (?) questions?
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Does anyone have any questions?

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