soru |
cevap |
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長閑 のどか tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful
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勤まる つとまる to be fit for; to be equal to; to function properly
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況して まして still more; to say nothing of; not to mention; still less
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お祖母さん おばあさん grandmother; old woman; female senior citizen
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唸る うなる to groan; to moan; to roar; to howl; to growl; to hum (e.g. engine, wires in wind); to buzz; to sough; low, dull sound; to ooh and aah (in admiration); to sing in a strong, low voice (esp. traditional chant or recitation)
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彼方此方 あちこち here and there; all around; everywhere; throughout; all over; to get things in the wrong order (back to front); to become muddled up
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諮る はかる to consult with; to discuss; to confer; to deliberate
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粗筋 あらすじ outline; summary; argument
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遣り通す やりとおす to carry through; to achieve; to complete
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恵む めぐむ to bless; to show mercy to; to give (money, etc.)
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辟易 へきえき to wince; to shrink back; to be stumped; to be disconcerted; to be bored; to be fed up
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皺 しわ wrinkle; crease; ripple
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几帳面 きちょうめん methodical; punctual; steady
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煙たい けむたい smoky; awkward; ill at ease
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自動詞 じどうし intransitive verb (no direct obj.)
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自惚れ うぬぼれ pretension; conceit; hubris
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零れる こぼれる to spill; to fall out of; to overflow; to peek through; to become visible (although normally not); to escape (of a smile, tear, etc.)
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痺れる しびれる to become numb; to go to sleep (e.g. a limb); to be excited; to be titillated; to be mesmerized
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逞しい たくましい burly; strong; sturdy; indomitable; indefatigable; strong-willed; resolute; bold; robust (vitality, appetite, economic growth, etc.); strong
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仮令 たとえ even if; no matter (what); if; though; although; supposing; supposing that; -ever
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凝らす こごらす to freeze; to congeal; to concentrate one's attention on; to devote oneself to something; to ponder; to meditate
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篭る こもる to seclude oneself; to be confined in; to be filled (e.g. with emotion, satire, etc.); to be heavy (with); to be stuffy; to be implied
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五月蝿い うるさい noisy; loud; annoying; troublesome; tiresome; persistent; importunate; fussy; finicky; picky; particular; nagging; fastidious; bossy; shut up!; be quiet!
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尉 じょう inspector (third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo system); (noh) old man; white ash (of charcoal)
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些事 さじ something small or petty; trifle
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詰る なじる to rebuke; to scold; to tell off
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屎尿 しにょう excreta; raw sewage; human waste; night soil
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剥ぐ はぐ to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to bark; to disrobe; to strip of (e.g. clothes, rank); to deprive of; to divest
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恰度 ちょうど exactly; precisely; just; right; as if; as though; quite
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据え付ける すえつける to install; to equip; to mount
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冴える さえる to be clear (of a sight, sound, colour, etc.); to be bright; to be vivid; to be crisp; to be clear-headed; to be alert; to be on the ball; to be wide awake; to look upbeat; to be perky
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強請る ねだる to beg; to pester; to plead; to coax; to hound; to importune
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其処ら そこら everywhere; somewhere; approximately; that area; around there
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漕ぐ こぐ to row; to scull; to paddle; to pedal (e.g. bicycle); to swing (on a swing); to operate a hand pump; to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)
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怠い だるい sluggish; languid; listless; heavy (heart, legs, etc.); dull; bothersome; tiresome
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脆い もろい brittle; fragile; tender-hearted
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凡そ およそ about; roughly; approximately; generally; on the whole; as a rule; completely; quite; entirely; altogether; totally; not at all (with neg. verb); outline; gist
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照り返す てりかえす to reflect; to throw back light
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吊り革 つりかわ strap (to hang onto)
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卯 う fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare, 5am-7am, east, February)
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辻褄 つじつま coherence; consistency
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兎も角 ともかく anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; be that as it may
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金槌 かなづち hammer; hopeless swimmer; complete beginner at swimming; someone who sinks like a stone
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謙る へりくだる to deprecate oneself and praise the listener; to abase oneself
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欺く あざむく to deceive; to delude; to trick; to fool; to be as ... as ... (e.g. "as bright as day", "as beautiful as a rose")
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弛み たるみ slack; slackening; sagginess; flabbiness (skin, etc.); dullness; letdown; depression; ennui
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罵る ののしる to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill of
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煌びやか きらびやか gorgeous; gaudy; dazzling; gay; resplendent
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滲む にじむ to run (of liquid); to spread; to blur; to blot; to be blurred; to ooze; to well up (of tears, etc.); to show through (of feelings, emotions, etc.); to reveal itself
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捲る まくる to turn up; to roll up (e.g. sleeves); to do a lot of ...; to stage a comeback (against) (in mahjong, horse racing, etc.); to come from behind
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悉く ことごとく altogether; entirely
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藻掻く もがく to struggle; to wriggle; to squirm; to writhe; to be impatient
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其処で そこで so; accordingly; now; then; thereupon; therefore
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吃逆 しゃっくり hiccough; hiccup
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踵 かかと heel (of foot, shoe, stocking, etc.)
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霞む かすむ to grow hazy; to be misty; to get blurry; to be / become grayed (out); to be overshadowed
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梢 こずえ treetop; tip of a branch
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跨がる またがる to extend over; to extend into; to straddle
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剥げる はげる to come off; to be worn off; to fade; to discolor; to discolour
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綴じる とじる to bind; to file; to top with egg (e.g. donburi)
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じゃん拳 じゃんけん rock, paper, scissors game
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碌な ろくな satisfactory; decent
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出鱈目 でたらめ irresponsible utterance; nonsense; bullshit; codswallop; random; haphazard; unsystematic
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漏る もる to leak; to run out
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妬む ねたむ to be jealous of; to envy; to begrudge
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婉曲 えんきょく euphemistic; circumlocution; roundabout; indirect
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御覧なさい ごらんなさい (please) look; see (used to emphasize that an earlier prediction was correct); (please) try to do
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伐つ うつ to strike; to attack; to punish
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傲る おごる to give (someone) a treat; to be extravagant; to live luxuriously; to be proud; to be haughty
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喧しい やかましい noisy; boisterous; strict; faultfinding; carping; fussy
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掻き回す かきまわす to stir up; to churn; to ransack; to disturb
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捕吏 ほり constable; policeman
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零す こぼす to spill; to drop; to shed (tears); to grumble; to complain; to let one's feelings show
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跨ぐ またぐ to step over; to step across; to stride over; to stride across; to cross; to stretch over; to span; to bridge; to saddle; to straddle
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歎 たん sigh; grief; lamentation
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蹴飛ばす けとばす to kick away; to kick off; to kick hard; to refuse curtly; to reject outright
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揶揄う からかう to ridicule; to tease; to mock; to chaff; to razz; to banter with; to make fun of; to poke fun at; to make cracks about
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呆気ない あっけない not enough; too quick (short, long, etc.)
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檻 おり cage; pen; jail cell; gaol cell
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軋む きしむ to jar; to creak; to grate
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苛める いじめる to tease; to torment; to persecute; to chastise
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臍 へそ navel; belly button; protrusion or depression in the middle of an object; center; centre; most important part; main point
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清濁 せいだく good and evil; purity and impurity; voiced and unvoiced consonants
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躾 しつけ discipline; training; teaching manners
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碌に ろくに well; enough; sufficiently