45-46 ANKI

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1. popełniać, dopuszczać się 2. angażować się, związywać (romantycznie) 3. przeznaczać, poświęcać 4. zobowiązywać się 5. to order somebody to be sent to a hospital, prison, etc.
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commit something to memory to learn something well enough to remember it exactly - She committed the instructions to memory.
I don't understand why he committed suicide. I do not want to commit before I turn thirty. I need to commit some money for a new car. You don't have to commit yourself now—just think about it. She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
1. a promise 2. poświęcenie, oddanie 3. zobowiązanie
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He questioned the government's commitment to public services. He has demonstrated exceptional commitment and dedication. I don't want to take on any more commitments. Taking on a mortgage is a huge financial commitment.
zaangażowany, oddany
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A committed member of the team. They are committed socialists.
1. uwięzienie, skierowanie na przymusowe leczenie psychiatryczne 2. pochówek (moment)
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He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. The funeral will take place at St Andrew's Church, followed by a private family committal at the crematorium.
1. oppose 2. odpierać atak, stawiać opór 3. to samo w kontekscie zdrowia, budowli, myśli
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People naturally resist change. He tried to pin me down, but I resisted. The Chancellor resisted the temptation to raise business taxes. A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. The castle was built to resist attack.
1. to move in a particular direction 2. to lead - org, grupa 3. to be at the top of list 4. to put a word or words at the top of a page or section of a book as a title 5. uderzyć piłkę głową
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Where are we heading? She has been appointed to head the research team. Italy heads the table after two games. To head a march/procession. The chapter was headed ‘My Early Life’. Walsh headed the ball into an empty goal.
chichotać w głupi sposób bo jestem zawstydzony lub zły lub coś śmiesznego
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The girls giggled at the joke. She giggled nervously.
1. chichot 2. zgrywa 3. ciągły chichot - nie można przestać
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Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone. We only did it for a giggle. I get the giggles when I'm nervous.
wesoły, rozbawiony - głupkowato, nerwowo
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We were all in a very giggly mood.
napawać się swoim sukcesem, czyjąś porażką, triumfować
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She was still gloating over her rival's disappointment. Having lost a large percentage of the vote, they were in no position to gloat. I hope you haven’t just come here to gloat. He didn't want to hear her gloating at his misfortune.
triumfalny, chełpliwy np. wzrok
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A gloating look.
sad, quiet and unhappy
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The players sat there with glum looks on their faces. The couple looked distinctly glum. It was a wet and gloomy day. We sat in gloomy silence.
zrobić grymas/grymas
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He grimaced at the bitter taste. She grimaced as the needle went in. ‘What's that?’ she asked with a grimace.
szeroko się uśmiechać/szeroki uśmiech
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They grinned with delight when they heard our news. She gave a broad grin.
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I can't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia. the forces of institutional inertia in the school system.
1. zerknąć 2. przedzierać się 3. ćwierkać
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We caught her peeping through the keyhole. The tower peeped above the trees. The sun peeped out from behind the clouds.
1. zerknięcie, podglądanie 2. Something that somebody says or a sound that somebody makes 3. ćwierkanie
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Dave took a quick peep at the last page. Not a peep of protest was heard from the State Department.
1. łamać, pękać 2. take photo 3. zatrzaskiwać 4. mówić ostro, warczeć 5. to try to bite sb/sth 6. puścić nerwy 7. fasten clothing
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The wind had snapped the tree in two. A passing tourist snapped the incident. His eyes snapped open. ‘Don't just stand there,’ she snapped. The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels. My patience finally snapped.
1. sharp noise - łamanie, pękanie 2. photo
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She closed her purse with a snap. Holiday snaps.
natychmiastowy, nawet pochopny
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It was a snap decision. They held a snap election.
zaszczepiać (against sth)
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vaccination / inoculation
1. zdrętwiały - ciało 2. sparaliżowany, otępiały - uczucie
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I've just been to the dentist and my face is still numb. He felt numb with shock.
1. spowodować odrętwienie 2. sparaliżować
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His fingers were numbed with the cold. We sat there in silence, numbed by the shock of her death.

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