500 najdôležitejších slovies 101 - 150

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soru cevap
V tom filme sa auto premení na robot a pomôže zachrániť svet.
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to transform
In the movie, the car transforms to a robot and helps save the worlds.
Jeho komplimenty ma naozaj potešili.
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to please
His compliments really pleased me.
Rád by som zavesil túto maľbu na stenu.
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to hang
I'd like you to hang this painting on the wall.
Mesiac odráža slnečné svetlo.
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to reflect
The moon reflects sunlight.
Tento rozhovor sa nahráva.
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to record
This conversation is being recorded.
Dostal si moju správu?
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to get
Did you get my message?
Môžeš mi nakresliť obrázok psa?
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to draw
Can you draw me a picture of a dog?
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"Anglické slová: 500 najdôležitejších slovies"
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