6. 3 persuading

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Use the following phrases to persuade someone by giving a strong opinion
Surely / Clearly / Anyone can see that
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Surely / Clearly / Anyone can see that parents need to take more responsibility for their kids' education.
Use negative questions when you want to persuade someone by inviting them to agree with you.
Don't you agree / think (that) isn't it true / obvious that
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Don't you agree / think (that) isn't it true / obvious that texting is harmful for children's writing?
Use negative questions when you want to persuade someone by inviting them to agree with you.
Shouldn't people / Doesn't she want to
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Shouldn't people / Doesn't she want to spend more time at home?
(?) start a family when they're teenagers?
Do / agree / people / should / able
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Don't you agree that people should be able to start a family when they're teenagers? What, even at 16 or 17?
Use negative questions where appropriate.
Yes. (?) at the peak of their physical health.
Clear / they
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Clearly they're at the peak of their physical health.
(?) 17-year-olds aren't even mature enough to be responsible for themselves?
But / is / it / obvious / most /
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But isn't it obvious that most 17-year-olds aren't even mature enough to be responsible for themselves?
Yeah, (?)? Some 18-year-olds might make good parents.
but does / depend / the individual
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Yeah, but doesn't it/that depend on the individual? Some 18-year-olds might make good parents.
(?) to sort out their own lives first.
But / sure / they / need / time
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But surely they need (the) time to sort out their own lives first.
(?) in some cultures 18 is a normal age to have a family?
But / is / it / fact / that
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But isn't it a fact that in some cultures 18 is a normal age to have a family?
Yes, (?) what works in one culture won't necessarily work in every culture.
but / anyone / see / that
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Yes, but anyone can see that what works in one culture won't necessarily work in every culture.
Hmm. Maybe you're right.

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