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If you describe a guarantee or plan as ..., you are emphasizing that it has been carefully put together, and that you think it is absolutely certain to work or be successful. öğrenmeye başla
... ironclad guarantees of safe passage
An... illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long. Opposite of chronic. öğrenmeye başla
If a person's or animal's sight, hearing, or sense of smell is..., it is sensitive and powerful. öğrenmeye başla
In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.
crude or earthy, indecent, has origins in the farm terms öğrenmeye başla
His barnyard humor made us all blush
You use ... with nouns to emphasize that something is exactly the right one or exactly the same one. emphasis öğrenmeye başla
1. Everybody says he is the very man for the case 2.'Most secret', he called it. Those were his very words.
You use ... with certain nouns in order to specify an extreme position or extreme point in time. emphasis öğrenmeye başla
... the Tuileries, in the very heart of Paris
You use ... to give emphasis to a superlative adjective or adverb. For example, if you say that something is the ... best, you are emphasizing that it is the best. emphasis öğrenmeye başla
I am feeling in the very best of spirits.
You use ... to give emphasis to an adjective that is not usually graded, when you want to say that a quality is very obvious. öğrenmeye başla
1. Janet looked very pregnant. 2. If you think I'm happy with what's left, you're very wrong.
You use ... with nouns to emphasize the importance or seriousness of what you are saying öğrenmeye başla
1. At one stage, his very life was in danger. 2. This act undermines the very basis of our democracy. 3. History is taking place before your very eyes
If you describe something as..., you are criticizing it because it is very old or old-fashioned. öğrenmeye başla
Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving
If you describe a feeling such as happiness or relief as..., you are emphasizing that it is a strong feeling and no other feeling is involved. öğrenmeye başla
Social media seems to me generally a force for good. But no good is unalloyed
Things that are... are of many different kinds. öğrenmeye başla
The difficulties are manifold.
If you become ... in a fight or an argument, you become deeply involved in it. öğrenmeye başla
If you become... with a person, you become involved in a relationship with them that causes you problems. öğrenmeye başla
As Smith became embroiled with his new lover, the marriage was called off.
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are not easily annoyed, worried, or upset, and you think this is a good quality. approved öğrenmeye başla
He was easy-going and good-natured
... means large in size, weight, or amount. öğrenmeye başla
If he is found guilty he faces a hefty fine
If something is ..., there is something wrong with it and it does not work properly. öğrenmeye başla
1. Her sight was becoming defective. 2. Retailers can return defective merchandise.
If the sea or the weather at sea is ..., the weather is windy or stormy and there are very big waves. öğrenmeye başla
A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
If part of your body is ..., it is sensitive and painful when it is touched. öğrenmeye başla
My tummy felt very tender.
If you make a... effort to do something, you try very hard to do it. öğrenmeye başla
He made a concerted effort to win me away from my steady, sweet but boring boyfriend
A... action is done by several people or groups working together. öğrenmeye başla
Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders.
If you describe something or someone as ..., you disapprove of them because you think they are not respectable and are rather disgusting. informal, disapproval öğrenmeye başla
If you describe a place as ..., you dislike it because it looks dirty and badly cared for, and not respectable. öğrenmeye başla
Something that is ... is unpleasant or dangerous and develops gradually without being noticed. öğrenmeye başla
The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years.
You can use... to describe something that contains flowers or is made of flowers. öğrenmeye başla
... chemical substances are very powerful and can dissolve other substances. öğrenmeye başla
If you tell someone they are ..., you are saying, often in a humorous way, that they have faults which will never change öğrenmeye başla
They are incorrigible optimists
full of wrath; raging or furious öğrenmeye başla
If you are ... of someone, you want something that they have öğrenmeye başla
Do I sound envious? I pity them, actually
If something is ..., it is recent or new, and vague or not yet properly developed. formal öğrenmeye başla
... the inchoate mood of dissatisfaction with all politicians.
If you describe a woman as..., you are politely saying that she is small and slim. öğrenmeye başla
Something or someone that is ... is fashionable and sophisticated. öğrenmeye başla
Her gown was very French and very chic.
If you describe clothes, especially men's clothes, as..., you mean that they are smart and neat. öğrenmeye başla
Cliff was a natty dresser.
A... person is respectable and well-mannered, and comes or seems to come from a high social class. öğrenmeye başla
... two elderly ladies with genteel manners and voices.
1. If you describe someone as ... (1), you mean that they talk a great deal, especially about unimportant things.2. If you describe someone as ... (2), you mean that they talk a lot. öğrenmeye başla
1. garrulous 2. loquacious The shop assistant was clearly a garrulous woman who enjoyed chattering to her customers.
If you are ..., you are very determined and do not give up easily. öğrenmeye başla
She is very tenacious and will work hard and long to achieve objectives.
Someone who is... is pleasant and friendly. öğrenmeye başla
Mr Brooke is an extremely affable and approachable man.
If you say that someone is ..., you mean that they are easily influenced or controlled by other people. öğrenmeye başla
She was young enough to be malleable.
A person or animal that is... is quiet, not aggressive, and easily controlled. öğrenmeye başla
They wanted a low-cost, docile workforce
A... animal or bird is one that is not afraid of humans. öğrenmeye başla
The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them
If you say that something or someone is..., you are criticizing them for being weak and uninteresting, rather than forceful or shocking disapproval öğrenmeye başla
Some of today's political demonstrations look rather tame.
The ... of something such as a building or vehicle is the back part of it. öğrenmeye başla
1. He settled back in the rear of the taxi. 2... a stairway in the rear of the building.
slow in understanding; obtuse, unintelligent disapproval about somebody öğrenmeye başla
not brave and easily frightened disapproval about somebody öğrenmeye başla
They called him "a yellow-bellied wimp" and "a coward".
sexually unrestrained or having many casual sexual relationships (typically used of a woman DATED! öğrenmeye başla
"her cheeks burned as she recalled how forward she had been, how wanton"
A ... picture, image, or sound is unclear and hard to see or hear. öğrenmeye başla
We have a fuzzy picture of what lies at the center of a black hole.
no longer owing or being owed something öğrenmeye başla
Well, I think we are straight.
Someone who is... has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people öğrenmeye başla
A cunning worker is a real asset.
... things or places look old and in bad condition. öğrenmeye başla
He was ashamed of his shabby suit.
If you describe something as ..., you mean that it is strange and difficult to explain. öğrenmeye başla
... proudly holding his new baby, who bears an uncanny resemblance to him.
A ... soldier or sportsman is highly trained and very skilful. öğrenmeye başla
... a crack undercover police officer.
A ... event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying. öğrenmeye başla
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are bad-tempered, difficult, and often do things that are mean. 🇺🇸 informal öğrenmeye başla
The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.
Something that is ... to a situation or idea is connected with it in an important way. öğrenmeye başla
Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane
If someone, especially a woman, is described as ..., they find it difficult to become sexually aroused...... is often used to show disapproval öğrenmeye başla
If you say that something or someone is ..., you mean you think they are horrible and disgusting. öğrenmeye başla
If you say that you are..., you mean that you are very hungry. öğrenmeye başla
Apart from anything else I was starving.
A ... object is weak because it is made of a weak material, or is badly made. öğrenmeye başla
... flimsily constructed houses.
A ... young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult. öğrenmeye başla
A ... person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings. öğrenmeye başla
... his callous disregard for human life
If a person or a part of their body is ..., they are suffering from frostbite öğrenmeye başla
too expensive to be afforded by the average person. öğrenmeye başla
medical care has become unaffordable
If a ticket or other document is ..., it can be used and will be accepted by people in authority. öğrenmeye başla
For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.
If you describe a person or their remarks or thoughts as..., you think that they are good at noticing or realizing things, especially things that are not obvious. approval öğrenmeye başla
He was one of the most perceptive U.S. political commentators
Someone who is... is quiet and shows no wish for attention or admiration öğrenmeye başla
He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.
(of a person) relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious öğrenmeye başla
From what you've told me about Scott, he's become a driven man.