After a party - Sau bữa tiệc

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soru cevap
Who invited you to the party?
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Ai đã mời bạn dự tiệc?
The atmosphere was totally exciting.
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Không khí bữa tiệc hoàn toàn thú vị.
I had a couple of drinks.
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Tôi có uống một vài ly.
My sister invited me to the party.
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Chị gái/em gái đã mời tôi đến bữa tiệc.
The party was awesome.
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Bữa tiệc thật là tuyệt vời.
How was the music?
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Âm nhạc như thế nào?
How was the decor?
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Trang trí như thế nào?
+13 flashcards
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