Agata 16th June (50 min)

 0    18 flashcards    pkempkiewicz
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soru cevap
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That's probably just a sinus infection.
Poprawiło się. / Jest lepiej.
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It got better.
Oddaj to.
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Give it back.
Masz mniej pieniędzy niż ja.
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You have less money than me.
Masz mniej jabłwk niż ja.
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You have fewer apples than me.
mniej ludzi
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fewer people
być przyklejonym do telefonu
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to be glueD to a phone
Gdy ona opowiadała, jej przyjaciele sprawdzali coś w swoich telefonach.
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When she WAS telling a story, her friends WERE checking sth on their phones.
jej przyjaciele byli przyklejeni do swoich telefonow
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her friends were glued to their phones
skup się
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to kwestia czasu
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it's a matter of time
skarcić kogoś
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to scold sb
zrobić grilla
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to have a bbq
Zróbmy grilla.
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Let's have a bbq.
urządzamy wieczór papieński
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we are throwing a hen party
nic dziwnego ona boi się go
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no wonder she's scared of him
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a bracelet
przekonać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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to convince sb to do sth

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