Ang 3.06.24

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the thinning of the layer in the Earth’s stratosphere that protects the planet from the ultraviolet rays of the sun
kurczenie się warstwy ozonowej
öğrenmeye başla
ozone layer depletion
Ozone layer depletion could eventually lead to worldwide flooding and an increase in the incidence of skin cancer.
laws considered collectively
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: legislate (v), legislative (adj)
We need better legislation to protect the rights of political refugees.
throwing sth away or getting rid of sth
pozbywanie się, usuwanie
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: disposable (adj), dispose of (v)
We need to come up with better methods for the disposal of radioactive waste material.
the process by which a piece of land becomes dry and unfertile, usually due to drought or deforestation
öğrenmeye başla
If we don’t reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases, we will see a rapid increase in worldwide desertification.
a particular place or area where animals give birth to their young
lęgowisko, miejsce rozrodu
öğrenmeye başla
breeding ground
We must protect the breeding grounds of all animals facing extinction.
oil in its natural state before it has been processed or refined
ropa naftowa
öğrenmeye başla
crude oil
Oil refineries turn crude oil into gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oil and many other useful products.
leaving sth somewhere because it is no longer wanted or needed
wyrzucanie, składowanie (np. odpadów)
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: dump (v, n)
The dumping of hazardous waste is illegal in many countries.
an intense appeal or request
wołanie, błaganie, prośba
öğrenmeye başla
Nobody heard her pleas for help.
having just enough of sth to survive
minimum potrzebne do przeżycia
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: subsist (v), subsistent (adj)
Many people in third-world countries live at subsistence level.
a struggle against others in a disorganised manner
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: scramble (v)
When they finally let the spectators into the stadium, there was a mad scramble for seats.
harsh and unpleasant
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: starkly (adv), starkness (n)
The company faces a stark decision if it wants to stay competitive.
to be in a safe, sheltered position close to sth else
leżeć w pobliżu, przycupnąć
öğrenmeye başla
The tiny village nestles at the foot of the mountain.
to give an unofficial name or nickname to sth or sb
öğrenmeye başla
Florida has been dubbed the sunshine state.
exceptionally tall
strzelisty, niebosiężny
öğrenmeye başla
We could barely see the sky as soaring pine trees surrounded the camp site.
wet and muddy
bagienny, błotnisty
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: marsh (n)
We couldn’t build on the land because it was too marshy.
prevented from growing to the full size
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: stunt (v)
Due to poor irrigation, the land produced nothing but a few stunted apple trees.
to completely cover sth or sb
pokryć, przytłoczyć
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: smothered (adj), smother (n)
After years of neglect, the flower beds were smothered in weeds.
kudłaty, włochaty
öğrenmeye başla
My house is full of hairs from my shaggy dog.
typical of a monarch and therefore impressive
öğrenmeye başla
I was impressed by the regal splendour of the residence.
in an unsafe, dangerous or uncertain manner
öğrenmeye başla
Der.: precarious (adj), precariousness (n)
The car was precariously balanced on the edge of the cliff.

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