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öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
stosować inerpunkcję/ przerywać od czasu do czasu stop or interrupt doing something in order to do something else
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wywodzić się to be sourced from a particular place
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niebezpieczny causing potential harm or danger
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podawać dalej informację receive and send information to someone
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rozkładać się/ gnić slowly and naturally be destroyed
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umierać/ ginąć suddenly, and often violently, die
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badać/ poszukiwać/ sonda an unmanned spacecraft intended to gather information
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rozproszyć się gradually get weaker until it disappears
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pomysłowość/ zaradność the quality of being able to find solutions to problems
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alkaliczny/ zasadowy of a chemical substance which reacts with acids to create a salt, giving a solution with a pH of over 7 when dissolved.
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rozrusznik serca an electronic device implanted into a person’s body to allow their heart to beat regularly.
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odrodzenie się/ nawrot the return to popularity of something which had stopped being widely used.
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półprzewodnik a solid substance that allows electricity to pass through it.
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a tiny piece of matter which has a negative electric charge which is present in all atoms.
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cząsteczka a tiny piece of something.
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radiowęglowy a chemical element used in the process of determining how old something is.
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bardzo mały/ maleńki extremely small.
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zagroda dla zwierząt a small area with a fence around it, used for keeping animals in
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podczerwień IR light that gives out heat but cannot be seen
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wiązka, snop światłą a line of light, energy etc that you cannot see
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treser zwierząt someone whose job is to train and look after an animal
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urozmaicić/ rozrzucić to put something in various places in or among something else
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mieć spóźniony refleks to react after a slight pause, because you are surprised by what you have just seen or heard
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zaburzenie/choroba a mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body from working properly
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poznawczy relates to a process that is connected with recognizing and understanding things
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neurodegeneratywny relates to a disease that causes someone’s nerves to be damaged
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upośledzenie a condition in which a part of a person’s mind or body is damaged or does not work well