Angielski 01 01 war of worlds

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soru cevap
zakres odpowiedzialności odpuszczać grzechy umarzać (dług) ustać
öğrenmeye başla
scope of responsibility, remit
öğrenmeye başla
incitement, sedition
pochwa miecza, prezerwatywa, futerał, obcisła sukienka,
öğrenmeye başla
pomarszczyć się (o skórce owoca), więdnąć o liściach
öğrenmeye başla
wrinkle (fruit peel), wither on leaves, shrivel
wyznaczyć pokutę, spowiadać
öğrenmeye başla
appoint penance, confess, shrive
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
repentance, remorse,
öğrenmeye başla
fragile, brittle, tender, frail,
Their hope for the better future is frail.
smakołyk pyszny, wybredny (fussy)
öğrenmeye başla
dainty morsels
kawałek, trochę
öğrenmeye başla
piece, chunk, morsel
She was reluctant to try even a morsel of the cake. If she had a morsel of intelligence, she wouldn't act like that.
ostrożny, uważny
öğrenmeye başla
careful; attentive, wary, cautious, prudent, provident, guarded, circumspect, circumspective, chary, solicitous, hooly, heedful, precautious
I drobiazgowy(meticulous) II wybredny (picky)
öğrenmeye başla
fastidious, finicky
When it comes to personal hygiene, the man is extremely fastidious. I hope I will be able to meet your most fastidious taste. My teacher is finicky about spelling.
I wprawa, biegłość II kompetencja
öğrenmeye başla
, proficiency
A proficiency in English is required for this job.
gasić (pragnienie), zaspokając
öğrenmeye başla
to quench (thirst) slake, satisfy
slake your thirst will slake your curiosity
żuć, gryźć
öğrenmeye başla
chew, bite, gnaw
a dog gnawing a bone anxiety always gnawing him
skubać, podgryzać
öğrenmeye başla
waves nibbling the shore We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.
natłok, gąszcz
öğrenmeye başla
spate, throng, welter, barrage of sth
= inundation, deluge
bezład, chaos, gąszcz II kotłowanie się, tarzać się
öğrenmeye başla
tarzać się
öğrenmeye başla
wallow, roll welter, writhe,
He wallowed in grief.
gaj palmowy
öğrenmeye başla
palm grove
płaszczyć się
öğrenmeye başla
grovel, fawn, cringe
płaz (r. m.)
öğrenmeye başla
amphibian (rm)
kociołek na ognisko
öğrenmeye başla
bonfire cauldron
okrężny, zawiły
öğrenmeye başla
a circuitous route His circuitous form of logic was mind-boggling we took a circuitous route to the airport so as to avoid the massive traffic jam on the highway
zabarwienie, odcień, nuta, domieszka
öğrenmeye başla
tinge, tint, hue,
His hair is ginger with a tinge of brown. She said the compliment with a tinge of envy.
zwichnięty, skręcony
öğrenmeye başla
sprained, twisted, dislocated
zasuwka, zatrzask
öğrenmeye başla
latch, latch
öğrenmeye başla
skórka od chleba
öğrenmeye başla
bread crust
öğrenmeye başla
respectively, consecutively
The team won the title three times consecutively. The prints are signed by the artist and numbered consecutively.
otwarty, chłonny do nowych pomysłów
öğrenmeye başla
open, absorbent to new ideas, receptive, susceptive
I was happy to be speaking before such a receptive audience.
öğrenmeye başla
anger, wrath, resentment, edge, ire,
She felt a new wave of resentment towards She said it with an edge to her voice. The professor's death drew ire from friends and students
leżeć płasko na ziemi II zdruzgotany
öğrenmeye başla
lie flat on the ground, prostrate
was prostrate from the heat
skłonny, leżeć na brzuchu
öğrenmeye başla
push-ups require a prone position
leżeć na plecach, bierny
öğrenmeye başla
He lay on his back and looked at the ceiling. The little girl was asleep supine.
w pozycji leżącej
öğrenmeye başla
lying down, recumbent
a patient comfortably recumbent in a hospital bed He rested recumbent.
öğrenmeye başla
pagan, heathen - savage
ospały, gnuśny
öğrenmeye başla
sluggish, drowsy, lumbering, listless, languid, slothful
kępa, grudka II stąpać, tupot
öğrenmeye başla
clump, lump II tread, patter clump
He found a clump of hair on the floor., clump of bushes =shrubs, She picked up a clump of dirt for analysis She could hear his clump on the stairs
gawron, wieża w szachach, oszukiwać
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to cheat, bilk (wyłudzić), bleed, chisel, con, cozen, defraud, diddle, do, do in, fiddle, fleece, gaff, hose [slang], hustle, pluck, ream, rip off, screw, skin, squeeze stiff (wyjść bez napiwku), sucker, swindle,
The fraud bled me of money! I wouldn't trust him. He will fleece you, The clients stiffed, I hate when people do that.
skuns, II kanalia, świnia, III zioło, trawka,
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
bower, gazebo
przeciwdziałać czemuś
öğrenmeye başla
counteract something countervail, prevent
powracać do zdrowia
öğrenmeye başla
rally, recover, pull through
After this treatment, she should rally quite rapidly.
ulga wytchnienie II odroczenie
öğrenmeye başla
respite relief II respite, reprieve
respite of payment, respite of penalty
öğrenmeye başla
to repeat, reprise
öğrenmeye başla
meditate, debate, deliberate, reflect, ponder, pore, brood, contemplate
dokarmiać, tuczyć (zwierzę)
öğrenmeye başla
feed, fatten (animal)
fattening farm, fattening house, fattery
öğrenmeye başla
scaredy-cat, cream-puff
tchórz (zwierzę)
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
otter, mink
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
nieefektywny, nieskuteczny, nieporęczny, uciążliwy
öğrenmeye başla
a cumbersome package, cumbersome administrative procedures
zakosić, zwędzić, zwinąć (coś)
öğrenmeye başla
pinch, swipe,
take a swipe at somebody She opened the window and swiped (zamachnąć się) at the flies,
przeszkoda, szkopuł, haczyk, ostry element, rozerwać
öğrenmeye başla
It appears there is a snag in our plan. There was a snag of tooth sticking out of the skull. My clothes got snagged when I walked through the forest.
domysły, przypuszczenia
öğrenmeye başla
guesses, inkling, conjecture
The criminal's motive remains a matter of conjecture.
domyślać się
öğrenmeye başla
guess, surmise, conjecture
rozłam, podział
öğrenmeye başla
split, division, fracture, gulf
There is a gulf between the middle classes and the poorest sections of society.
studzienka, właz
öğrenmeye başla
kończyć (knock), zabić
öğrenmeye başla
knock off
I'm knocking off in two hours, then we can go on a date
potrącić pieszego, powalić,
öğrenmeye başla
hit a pedestrian, knock down
ogłuszyć, znokautować
öğrenmeye başla
stun, knock out
majestatyczny, okazały
öğrenmeye başla
grandiose, stately, splendid
This stately castle was built by my grandfather.

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