soru |
cevap |
Twój krawat dobrze komponuje się z twoim garniturem. öğrenmeye başla
Your tie blends well with your suit.
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Your tie has come undone.
Czy mógłbyś przewiązać go wstążką? öğrenmeye başla
Could you tie it with a ribbon?
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öğrenmeye başla
Na przyjęciu wszyscy powinni nosić krawat. öğrenmeye başla
Everybody is supposed to wear a tie at the party.
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Skradziono mi portfel w drodze do biura. öğrenmeye başla
I had my wallet stolen on my way to the office.
Tego dnia zostawiłem portfel w domu. öğrenmeye başla
I left my wallet at home on that particular day.
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He clutched his wallet in his hand.
Widziałeś tu brązowy portfel? öğrenmeye başla
Did you see a brown wallet around here?
Naprawdę widziałeś wypadek? öğrenmeye başla
Did you actually see the accident?
Czy pieniądze rzeczywiście zostały wypłacone? öğrenmeye başla
Was the money actually paid?
Rzeczywiście widzieliśmy wypadek. Właściwie nie widzieliśmy wypadku. öğrenmeye başla
We actually saw the accident. We actually didn't see the accident.
Ale tak naprawdę jest bardzo silny. öğrenmeye başla
But it's very strong actually.
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Actually, that's what I thought.
Praca właściwie jest zakończona. öğrenmeye başla
The work is actually finished.
Właściwie nic nie wiedziałem o tych planach. öğrenmeye başla
Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans.
Właściwie, mam do ciebie prośbę. öğrenmeye başla
Actually, I have a favor to ask of you.
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Faktycznie, ziemia się ociepla. öğrenmeye başla
Actually, the earth is getting warmer.
Możesz mówić tak, jak naprawdę czujesz. öğrenmeye başla
You can speak as you actually feel.
Wielu przestępców w Ameryce jest uzależnionych od narkotyków. öğrenmeye başla
Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs.
Osoba uzależniona od pracy nazywana jest pracoholikiem. öğrenmeye başla
A person who is addicted to work is called a workaholic.
On jest uzależniony od kokainy. öğrenmeye başla
He is addicted to cocaine.
Ona jest uzależniona od alkoholu. öğrenmeye başla
She is addicted to alcohol.
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Chyba jestem poważnie uzależniony. öğrenmeye başla
I think I'm seriously addicted.
Straciłem trzy kilogramy. öğrenmeye başla
Wszystko, co możecie zrobić, to zaufać sobie nawzajem. öğrenmeye başla
All you can do is trust one another.