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Istnieje kilka sposobów spojrzenia na to pytanie
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There are several ways of looking at this question
Nie ma prostego rozwiązania tego problemu, ponieważ każdy uczeń jest inny
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There is no simple solution to the issue because every student is different
jednak są też wady
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however, there are disadvantages, too
z drugiej strony niektóre dzieci nie są dobre w nauce języków
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on the other hand, some children are not good at learning languages
z jednej strony dobrym pomysłem jest nauczanie dzieci języka angielskiego
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one the one hand, it is a good idea to teach children English
Jedną z zalet rozpoczynania nauki w szkole w wieku sześciu lat jest to, że daje ona równe szanse wszystkim sześciolatkom
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One adventages of starting school at the age of six is that it gives equal chances to all-6 year old
powszechnie uważa się, że
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it is widely believed that
często się tak uważa
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it is often thought that
wiele osób tak twierdzi
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many people say that
eksperci są co do tego zgodni
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experts agree that
twierdzono, że
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it has been claimed that
statystyki pokazują, że
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statistics show that
myślę, że to byłby dobry pomysł, ponieważ
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i think this would be good idea because
praca z innymi jest bardziej efektywna
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working with others is more effective
zdecydowałbym się na tę opcję, ponieważ korzystanie z nowoczesnych technologii sprawia mi przyjemność
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i would go for this option because using modern technology is enjoyable for me
ten pomysł jest znacznie lepszy, ponieważ
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this idea is much better because
to mój najmniej ulubiony pomysł, ponieważ nie przepadam za nauką w grupie
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this is my least favorite idea because im not to keen on learning in group
Coffee is served every morning
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They serve coffe every morning
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cut down
A tree is being cut down outside
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They are cutting down a tree outside
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instead of
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to contain
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a target
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An alarm system has just been intalled
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They have just installed an alarm system
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Wczoraj ogłosili wyniki
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They announced the results yesterday
The results were announced yesterday
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They announced the results yesterday
The building had been evacuated by the time the fire bridage arrived
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They had evacuated the building by the time fire bridage arrived
przyjechała straż pożarna
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fire bridage arrived
przywrócić, odnowić
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The castle is going to be restored soon
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they are going to restore the castle soon
you will be contacted tommorow
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They will contact you tommorow
The decision will have been reached by friday
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They will have reached the decision by friday
The report must be finished today
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you must finish the report today
She may have been told the secret
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someone may have told her the secret
Pete should be apologised to
öğrenmeye başla
They should apologise to Pete
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Comedians always ... funny jokes 😉 I cant ... her the truth because i dont want to hurt her feelings
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The outdoor event was ... because of bad weather 😉 I was so angry they ... my flight to paris
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we have to ... ticket for the concert 😉 The ... tells the story of an australian girl
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They... a meeting to discuss the project last week 😉 They reached a tree and ... onto it
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the author’s identify was ... secret 😉 Mona lisa is ... in the Louvre in Paris
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set off
rozgrywający się w Paryżu
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set in paris
zjawić się
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öğrenmeye başla
set out
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get back
weźmy jeszcze jeden
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lets get another one
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my bag was ... in leather 😉 he ... a mistake. He should apologise.
jak ci się podobało szkolne przedstawienie
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how did you like a school play
chcę orzyciagnac twoją uwagę
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want to copy your attention
skopiuj zdjęcie
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copy a picture
Narysuj obrazek
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draw a picture
zwrócić uwagę
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draw your attention
kopia Twojego CV
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copy of your cv
warto zobaczyć ten spektakl
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this show is well worth seeing
znana aktorka
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well-known actress
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przyczyna / powód
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öğrenmeye başla
to vomit

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