Article: Coronavirus: Will we ever shake hands again? PART 2

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to entwine
öğrenmeye başla
to twist something together or around something; splatać, spleść, opleść, oplatać
to embrace
öğrenmeye başla
to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone; wziąć w objęcia, obejmować, wyściskać
to flash
öğrenmeye başla
to show something for a short time; pokazywać na chwilę
to curl
öğrenmeye başla
to make something into the shape of a curl, or to grow or change into this shape; zwijać, owijać, spowijać (np. ramię, szal, mgła)
to endure
öğrenmeye başla
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful; znosić, cierpieć, wytrzymać, przetrzymać (np. ból, biedę); synonym: bear
öğrenmeye başla
[C usually plural] a very small organism that causes disease; drobnoustrój, zarazek
to predate /ˌpriːˈdeɪt/
öğrenmeye başla
to have existed or happened before another thing; poprzedzać (np. w czasie, w historii)
a reservation
öğrenmeye başla
a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely; zastrzeżenie
an incidence
öğrenmeye başla
an event, or the rate at which something happens; częstość, częstotliwość, zasięg (występowania)
conscientious /ˌkɑn·ʃiˈen·ʃəs/
öğrenmeye başla
feeling a moral responsibility to do your work carefully and to be fair to others

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