building a career 1, 2

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öğrenmeye başla
the amount of money that you earn
öğrenmeye başla
money that you pay to a professional person or institution for their work
öğrenmeye başla
a gradual change or development that produces particular result
öğrenmeye başla
you do something when someone asks you, sometimes when you do not want to
öğrenmeye başla
to limit what someone is allowed to do by making them obey a rule or agreement
deep pockets
öğrenmeye başla
a lot of available money
drop out
öğrenmeye başla
to leave something such as an activity, school or competition before you have finished what you intended to do
öğrenmeye başla
to help something to increase, improve or become more successful
öğrenmeye başla
to improve something or make it more attractive or more valuable
lay off
öğrenmeye başla
to end someone's employment, especially temporarily, because there is not enough work for them
miss out
öğrenmeye başla
to lose an opportunity to do or to have something
öğrenmeye başla
when someone must have leave his job because he is no longer needed
start over
öğrenmeye başla
to begin doing something again from the beginning
öğrenmeye başla
very carefully so that nothing is missed
working party
öğrenmeye başla
a group of people who examine a problem or situation and suggest a way of dealing with it

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