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Be unconventional, even visionary öğrenmeye başla
very different from the way people usually behave, think, dress etc She had very unconventional political views.
the most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking öğrenmeye başla
making people think seriously about a particular subject They wrote a very thought-provoking article.
Rebellion without truth is like spring in a bleak, arid desert. öğrenmeye başla
without anything to make you feel happy or hopeful The company still hopes to find a buyer, but the future looks bleak.
It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys. öğrenmeye başla
used to describe an argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.
öğrenmeye başla
very pleasing or attractive Harry can be very charming.
Honestly, not being well received makes me feel very vulnerable. Not being included or regarded highly enough makes me crazy. öğrenmeye başla
happily accepted, or considered to be correct, by many people The news was well-received by all the people in the room.
Very painful or deeply moving. öğrenmeye başla
making you feel sad or full of pity The statue is a poignant reminder of our nation’s great sacrifices.
Graduate school is overrated. öğrenmeye başla
not as good or important as some people think or say The new film was vastly overrated.
Offbeat | Estonian municipality put cannabis leaf on flag öğrenmeye başla
unusual and not what people normally expect, especially in an interesting way She’s a little offbeat, but she’s a wonderful actress.
How to ALWAYS look stylish! öğrenmeye başla
attractive in a fashionable way They went to a stylish restaurant in the West End.
Striking The Eiffel Tower öğrenmeye başla
attractive in an unusual way that is easy to notice A dark man with striking features walked up to me.
Girls need to send boys subtle signals to make it clear that they’re interested in them. öğrenmeye başla
not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.
How to Come Up With Startup Ideas that Are Worth your Time? öğrenmeye başla
to think of an idea, answer etc We’ve been asked to come up with some new ideas.
Shit Happens But Life must go on öğrenmeye başla
to continue doing something or being in a situation He went on working until he was 91.
'Ok. I'm cooking dinner. What sounds good?' Carry out. öğrenmeye başla
to do something that needs to be organised and planned We need to carry out more research.
"Set up" means "to prepare equipment or software for use". Example: The kids set up a tent during our summer camping trip. öğrenmeye başla
to start a company, organisation, committee etc They want to set up their own import- export business.
What training do you need to become a rubbish collector? -None. You just pick it up as you go. öğrenmeye başla
to lift something or someone up He picked up the letter and read it.
No! I don't wanna go back to school! -I know, honey, I know... But you have to. -Why? -Because you're a teacher! öğrenmeye başla
to return to a place that you previously been to I think we ought to go back to Paris some day.
Yes, I came back. I always come back. öğrenmeye başla
to return to a place that you previously went away from Please come back and see us again soon!
öğrenmeye başla
to leave your house, especially in order to enjoy yourself We went out for a meal and then on to a movie.
When we want to tell somebody something or inform them of something, usually something we think they don’t know we will use point out. I want to point out that I have also been on time every day without exception. öğrenmeye başla
to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
Quiet! I'm trying to find out if the government is shut down today! öğrenmeye başla
to get information, after trying to discover it or by chance Did you find out whether there are any seats left?
“Get around to” means “to finally manage to do something”. I finally got around to cleaning windows in my room. öğrenmeye başla
to do something that you have been intending to do for some time I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.
People walk and go in for sports in the open air öğrenmeye başla
to do or use something often because you enjoy it I never really went in for sports.
I can't put up with my neighbour's noise any longer - it's driving me mad. öğrenmeye başla
to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining She put up with his violent temper.
Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others. öğrenmeye başla
to refuse to accept unfair treatment from a person or organisation He’ll respect you more if you stand up to him.
öğrenmeye başla
to finally speak to someone you haven’t had a chance to speak to for a while I’ll catch up with you next week.
I promise to never go back on a promise. Retract, fail to complete. My boss went back on his promise so I was not promoted. öğrenmeye başla
to not do something that you promised or agreed to do Delors claimed that the President had gone back on his word.
To do something, especially something that you should not do. öğrenmeye başla
to do something, especially something slightly bad What did you get up to at the weekend?
öğrenmeye başla
to reduce the amount of something By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents.
make a short visit or call. "I will look in on you tomorrow" öğrenmeye başla
to make a short visit to someone, while you are going somewhere else, especially if they are ill or need help I promised to look in on Dad and see if he’s feeling any better.
Watch out for that tree! And then we have watch out, which is very similar to be careful, you’re warning someone, but it’s much more in the instant. öğrenmeye başla
to pay close attention in a particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want to avoid something bad What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house?
how to keep up with the issues you care about. to Keep up with the Pace of Change in Technology. öğrenmeye başla
to manage to do as much or as well as other people Jack’s having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.
"Did we ever go through with that divorce we were talking about?" öğrenmeye başla
to do something you had promised or planned to do, even though it causes problems or you are no longer sure you want to do it He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.
to become ill with a particular illness öğrenmeye başla
to become ill, especially with an infectious disease Half the team had gone down with flu.
To cut costs, we're doing away with health insurance in favor of an apple a day. öğrenmeye başla
to get rid of something or stop using it People thought that the use of robots would do away with boring low-paid factory jobs.
Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up. öğrenmeye başla
to think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more successful, or of a higher social class than they are Mr Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a college education.
It seems like it’s almost impossible to come up with original content nowadays. No matter what you want to write about, someone else seems to have already done it. öğrenmeye başla
We’ve been asked to come up with some new ideas.
crime novel idea creation: crime, setting, victim, suspects, clues, fake clues, investigator, motive öğrenmeye başla
an idea that is not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting
To think about an idea for a short time and not very seriously. Effect in text: “Toy with the idea of throwing the children...” Toy with sth. To play with an object while you are thinking about something else. öğrenmeye başla
to think about an idea or possibility, usually for a short time and not very seriously I’ve been toying with the idea of going to Japan to visit them.
Politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. öğrenmeye başla
to make someone think that a particular thing is true We don’t want to give you the idea that you will be offered a permanent job.
How to Brainstorm Creative Ideas öğrenmeye başla
to meet in a group in order to try to develop ideas and think of ways of solving problems Employees get together and brainstorm ideas.
I was sleeping. When suddenly... a thought hit me and an idea was born öğrenmeye başla
to have an idea or discover something suddenly or unexpectedly Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net.
Light bulb with a bright idea öğrenmeye başla
a very clever idea, often used in a joking way to mean a very stupid idea or action Whose bright idea was it to leave the washing out in the rain?
Is there such thing as an original idea? öğrenmeye başla
an idea that is completely new and different from anything that anyone has thought of before I don’t think George is capable of having original ideas!
seem like a good idea at the time STUPID IDEAS - They seem like a good idea at the time. öğrenmeye başla
what you decided to do seemed sensible at first, but it turned out to be a poor decision “Why did you jump in the lake?” “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows. öğrenmeye başla
a very silly or unreasonable idea Going to school in your pyjamas is a ridiculous idea!
get the wrong idea about something When somebody got the wrong idea about student loans öğrenmeye başla
to think that something is true when it is not Don’t get the wrong idea about Dan and Helen – they’re just friends.
not have the faintest idea about something To become what one is, one must not have the faintest idea what one is öğrenmeye başla
to not have even a general understanding of something I don’t have the faintest idea what to get Rachel for her birthday.
öğrenmeye başla
having lots of very clever ideas, often used in a joking way to mean very stupid ideas or actions Jim? Oh, yes, he’s full of bright ideas, he is!
öğrenmeye başla
used when you are surprised and often rather annoyed by what someone has said or done She wants you to do it by tomorrow.” “Is that your idea of a joke?”
have an idea of/about something öğrenmeye başla
to be fairly sure that something is true, without being completely sure I’m not sure where my necklace is, but I have an idea about who took it.
have a clear idea about something The best way to have a clear idea of something is to try it öğrenmeye başla
to have a good understanding of something I think I have a clear idea now of how it works.
RAVE - Respect Appreciate and Value Everyone in Undefined by öğrenmeye başla
to talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way Now I understand why travellers rave about Lapland.
Crave means to want or greatly desire something. öğrenmeye başla
to have an extremely strong desire for something He is an insecure child who craves attention.
A loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. öğrenmeye başla
to talk or complain in a loud, excited and rather confused way because you feel strongly about something She was ranting about the unfairness of it all.
A Fresh Perspective May Be Just What You Need öğrenmeye başla
a new and interesting or useful way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences The venture will benefit from their fresh perspective.
Speak your mind and never apologize for being too real. öğrenmeye başla
to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them He was a tough politician who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.
Let your feelings fly, not your emotions. öğrenmeye başla
to say exactly what you think about things You don’t have to hold back on what you say, you can let your feelings fly.
give someone a piece of your mind Instead of giving someone a piece of your mind, give someone the peace of mind. öğrenmeye başla
to tell someone that you are very angry with them After the game he gave the players a piece of his mind.