Clase 35 27/11

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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
El sábado estuve testeando tecnologías
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On Saturday I was testing technologies
Una aplicación para la gestión de reservas
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An application for booking management
he descubierto un FRAUDE
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I have discovered a FRAUD
solo 50 personas estaban elegidas para ganar el premio
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only 50 people were chosen to win the prize
No queria avisarlos porque no tenía tiempo
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I did not want to warn them because I did not have time
estoy contando las horas para el viaje
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I'm counting the hours for the trip
un bote es un barco, la bota es un tipo de zapato
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a boat is a boat, the boot is a type of shoe
es un camino asequible
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it is an affordable way

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