Culture, Identity, Religion

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to belong
öğrenmeye başla
to be a member of e.g. organization, group, society
Poland belongs to European community.
öğrenmeye başla
process of gradually adopting a foreign culture by giving up one's own culture identity
Many immigrants fail to assimilate.
World Heritage Site
öğrenmeye başla
important area chosen and protected by UNESCO
There is more than 1,000 World Heritage Sites around the world.
öğrenmeye başla
feeling superior to others e.g. nation, sex or group
Chauvinism is nothing to be proud about.
nation branding
öğrenmeye başla
actions taken to build nation's image and reputation abroad
The countries often hire specialized PR agencies to work out a nation branding strategy.
ethnic group
öğrenmeye başla
a group of people who share the same ethnicity
There are 3 main ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
öğrenmeye başla
concept of goverment's institutions separation from religious institutions
Concept of secularism was especially developed in France.
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