öğrenmeye başla
My uncle is already bald.
Moje włosy są naturalnie kręcone öğrenmeye başla
My hair is naturally curly.
Jej włosy są pięknie faliste po wyjściu z wody öğrenmeye başla
Her hair is beautifully wavy after getting out of the water.
Po użyciu tego szamponu moje włosy stają się lśniące öğrenmeye başla
My hair becomes shiny after using this shampoo.
Jego włosy są zawsze lekko nastroszone öğrenmeye başla
His hair is always slightly tousled.
Dziewczyna miała włosy związane w kucyk öğrenmeye başla
The girl had her hair tied in a ponytail.
Moja siostra nosi grzywkę öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Jej włosy są ciemne jak noc öğrenmeye başla
Her hair is dark as the night.
Jego włosy są jasne jak piasek öğrenmeye başla
His hair is light like sand.
Ona ma rude włosy i jest piękna öğrenmeye başla
She has red hair and is beautiful.
Moja koleżanka ma farbowane włosy na różowy kolor öğrenmeye başla
My friend has dyed her hair pink.
Jego włosy są już siwe w wieku 40 lat öğrenmeye başla
His hair is gray already at the age of 40.
Jej włosy są upięte w elegancki kok öğrenmeye başla
Her hair is pinned up in an elegant bun.
Moje włosy są puszyste po wysuszeniu öğrenmeye başla
My hair is fluffy after drying.
Jego włosy są grube i gęste öğrenmeye başla
His hair is coarse and dense.
Jej włosy są delikatne i jedwabiste öğrenmeye başla
Her hair is fine and silky.
Moje włosy były rozjaśniane latem öğrenmeye başla
My hair was bleached during the summer.
Często noszę włosy rozpuszczone öğrenmeye başla
I often wear my hair loose.
Jego włosy były związane w kitkę öğrenmeye başla
His hair was tied in a bun.