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stupid; unintelligent; głupi, głupkowaty. He's so daft, what's he doing in the team?
dance floor
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an area which is for dancing only (at a disco, at a restaurant, etc.); parkiet taneczny. She spent the whole night at the dance floor.
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such that one can dance at/to; taneczny, nadający się do tańczenia. If you're coming, bring some danceable CDs!
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about something that makes one frightened or worried because of being difficult; zniechęcający, odstraszający. Don’t leave me alone with the daunting task of cleaning up the whole house!
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so loud you can't hear anything else; ogłuszający. Deafening sounds of techno music made our conversation impossible.
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extremely loud; ogłuszający. Out of a sudden, we heard a deafening noise from the outside.
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causing death; terrible and gloomy; śmiertelny, śmiercionośny; grobowy, trupi. His words were followed by nothing but deathly silence.
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remains of something that has been destroyed; szczątki, gruzy; odłamki; pozostałości, resztki. Victims were trying to make their way through the debris.
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to become gradually worse or damaged; gnić; niszczeć, podupadać. The whole lawn was covered with decaying leaves.
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to trick, to cheat, to hide the truth; oszukiwać, okłamywać, wprowadzać w błąd. If you deceive her once, she's never going to trust you.
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a person who deceives others, that is, lies and cheats; oszust, kłamca. I used to trust him, but now I perceive him as a deceiver.
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cheating; false, not true; oszukańczy; zwodniczy. He spoke to me with a deceiving smile.
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to move more slowly; zwalniać. He decelerated at the sight of the police, but it was too late.
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alright, proper, good; porządny, przyzwoity. I hope we'll finally have a decent meal
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in a socially accepted way, in a satisfactory way; przyzwoicie. You ought to dress decently.
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the act of cheating, the act of hiding the truth; oszustwo. He obtained the money by deception, which has been just discovered.
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obvious; certain; zdecydowany; stanowczy. It's obvious that they have a decided advantage over us.
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obviously, absolutely; zdecydowanie, stanowczo. She was decidedly mean to her daughter
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the open surface of a ship; pokład. We decided to sleep on the deck.
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a folding chair which you use outside, to sunbathe or relax; leżak. What a lovely deckchair! How much is it?
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topenly affirming one's views, announcing something in a clear way; zdeklarowany, otwarty, stanowczy. I'm a declared supporter of this party.
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to become smaller or weaker; to refuse, to reject; zmniejszać się, malec, podupadać; nie przyjmować, odmawiać The politician's popularity declined after his decision.
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involved, devoted; oddany, zaangażowany, ofiarny. Sheila is really dedicated to her new work.
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fried in a deep pan in a large amount of fat; smażony w głębokim tłuszczu. You should avoid deep_fried food.
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to fry in a large amount of fat; smażyć w głębokim tłuszczu. Now deep_fry the vegetables.
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a terrible and serious failure; klęska, porażka. What happened ysterday was a crushing defeat and I cannot call it otherwise.
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done in order to defend oneself; defensywny, obronny. She made a defensive gesture as if she were scared.
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complete, final, not to be questioned; definitywny, ostateczny, rozstrzygający. You're being naive if you want to find a definitive answer to this question.
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to put off; the act of putting sth off; opóźniać, zwlekać, odkładać na później; zwłoka, opóźnienie. I must apologize for the delay I hope you will understand.
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possible to deny; zaprzeczalny, dający się zaprzeczyć. You must understand that these simple facts are not deniable.
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statement that something is not true; refusal; zaprzeczenie; odmowa. Did they believe her denial that she had witnessed the robbery?
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a religious group sharing certain beliefs; wyznanie. He said he didn't belong to any particular denomination.
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to refuse; to say that something is not true; odmawiać; zaprzeczać. She denies that she took my notebook, but I don't believe her.
departure lounge
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the place where you wait before you get on a plane; hala odlotów. I must have left my rucksack in the departure lounge.
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reliable; słowny, rzetelny, niezawodny. Diana is not the most dependable person in the office.
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to use up e.g. resources; to reduce the amount of sth; wyczerpywać, uszczuplaćWe should be more cautious as far as natural resources are concerned. People shouldn't continue to deplete them.
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to be sorry because of sth; to not approve of sth; ubolewać, wyrażać ubolewanie; nie pochwalać, potępiać. The students' behaviour was deplored.
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a person that should be/is deported; deportowany, osoba deportowana. Eventually, he ended up as a deportee.
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confused; thrown out of mental balance; szalony, zaburzony, obłąkany. Now that I've observed his behaviour for a while I'm sure he's mentally deranged.
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mockery, scornful opinion or treatment; drwina, kpina, pośmiewisko. Shouts of derision made her feel helpless.
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mocking; drwiący, szyderczy. His derisive remarks should be ignored.
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about a place: without people, abandoned; opuszczony, opustoszały (o miejscach). It gave me the creeps to walk in the deserted city.
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the state of hopelessness; to feel that everything is wrong; rozpacz; rozpaczać. There's no time for despair now. You've got to act.
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full of details, not general; szczegółowy She gave me a detailed description of the situation, which made certain things clear.
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to make something (or oneself) grow, become larger, stronger or better; rozwijać (się). Hopefully the enterprise will develop.
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to give something or one’s time etc. to somebody else or for a purpose one considers important; poświęcać. You’ve devoted so much time to your studies already that you shouldn’t give it up.
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commitment, strong attachment; zeal; poświęcenie, oddanie, przywiązanie; pobożność. Her devotion was really moving.
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a problem, a difficult choice; dylemat. She faced the dilemma of quitting a secure job or rejecting a more interesting one.
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very small, tiny; mały, drobny. Even a diminutive woman like her would be able to lift it.
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expressing disapproval, that is, an opinion that something or someone is bad, wrong, etc.; z dezaprobatą. She watched them disapprovingly
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to get rid of, to throw awya; pozbywać się, wyrzucać. I can remember a witty sentence I guess Margaret Atwood said so that whenever a woman discards a piece of clothes she discards a part of her life. Men won't get it, I'm afraid, but there's something about it.
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to notice, to recognise; dostrzegać, zauważać; rozpoznawać. I could not discern any object in the dark room.
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to change the (natural) colour; odbarwiać się, przebarwiać się. The paint had discoloured, which made the interior look unpleasant.
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unhappy, disappointed; niepocieszony, nieutulony, zawiedziony. The class were disconsolate when the trip was cancelled.
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a reduction in the price of something; rabat, zniżka. They usually offer a discount if you become a member of the club.
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to make others think that something or someone lacks the positve features they used to believe in; dyskredytować. He meant to discredit the leader.
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shameful, very bad; kompromitujący, haniebny, gorszący. The whole situation was absolutely disgraceful.
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to discourage, to make you feel depressed; zniechęcać, przygnębiać. Micheal is feeling a bit disheartened, so we should help him.
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untidiness; confusion, lack of order; nieporządek, zamieszanie, zamieszki. The town, neglected during the postwar disorder, turned into a ruin.
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to send off; to deal with; wysyłać; uwijać się, szybko załatwić. The decision to dispatch the troops to the area is at least controversial.
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discouraged, upset; zniechęcony, przygnębiony. The professor couldn't talk the dispirited researchers into another attempt.
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showing no respect; lekceważący, obraźliwy. His disrespectful behaviour affected the atmosphere.
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to interrupt, to prevent sth from being continued; to annoy; zakłócać, przerywać. Hard_wingers and roughnecks disrupted the demonstration.
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interrupting, causing trouble; zakłócenie, przerwanie, wstrzymanie. Due to serious disruption everybody was late.
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preventing sth from continuation; annoying; causing problems; destrukcyjny, niszczący; zakłócający. The student was punished for his disruptive behaviour but no teacher tried to understand the reasons for his disobedience.
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offensive, disgusting; not pleasing; niesmaczny, odrażający; odpychający. His very distasteful behaviour hasn't been punished yet.
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different from; clear and obvious; różny, wyróżniający się; jasny, wyraźny, dobitny. The noise outside is quite distinct in winter when the leaves are off.
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to make someone's attention focus on something they didn't concentrate on, to disturb; rozpraszać; odrywać, odciągać; odwracać czyjąś uwagę. Don't distract me from my work.
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great sorrow or despair; to make someone suffer; strapienie, cierpienie, rozpacz; denerwować, martwić, unieszczęśliwiać. The way my ex-husband is trying to distress me is really hard to bear.
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to give out (to more than one person); to provide; rozdawać, rozdzielać, rozprowadzać. The nurse distributed thermometers to the patients.
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lack of trust; nieufność. Your distrust will ruin that friendship.
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difference, e.g. of opinions; rozbieżność. The divergence of opinion on this problem in the company caused a never_ending discussion.
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different, various; rozmaity, różnorodny, różnoraki. The models were wearing diverse types of dresses.
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variety; difference; różnorodność, rozmaitość, zróżnicowanie. Ethnic diversity is typical of the USA society.
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a method or act of predicting the future using cards, magic, etc.; wróżbiarstwo, wróżba. Sally has changed recently. She's studying books on methods of divination. Moreover, hardly ever does she talk to anybody.
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feeling unable to balance; cierpiący na zawroty głowy. She started to feel dizzy.
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someone who's extremely lazy and doesn't feel like working at all; nierób, wałkoń. Who do you think you are? You're such a do_nothing and you dare to criticize others!
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sadly; smętnie, żałośnie. The girl was weeping dolefully.
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brought under human control (of animals, plants); oswojony, udomowiony. Cats must have been domesticated thousands years ago.
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to give (material goods) in order to help somebody, an organization, etc.; ofiarowywać, darować. He donated all his savings to a charity.
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cheating, acting in a dishonest way; obłuda. His double_dealing make me sick.
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heavy rain; ulewa. We really didn't expect such a downpour!
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not airtight, draughty; pełen przeciągów, przewiewny. Has your flat always been so drafy?
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inspiring fear; dreadful, awful; wzbudzający przerażenie; staszny, okropny. When she heard the dreaded noises, she ran away.
dress circle
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the first level above the main floor at the auditorium at the theatre; balkon pierwszego piętra w teatrze. Our tickets are in the dress circle.
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smart; elegant; in fancy clothes; szykowny, wytworny, elegancki. My mother insisted that I put on something more dressy for the family reunion
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a drop, a bit; to flow in small amounts; kropelka, odrobina; kapać, ściekać. Milk was dribbling from the bottle.
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to fall (of rain) in small drops; mżyć. It's been drizzling all day.
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to fall down, to bend; opadać, zwisać bezwładnie, zwieszać się. One of the plants you'd bought drooped because it had no water.
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someone who quits school before graduation; a person who drops out from a group; osoba, która nie kończy szkoły; wyrzutek. My father used to say I'd become a school dropout.
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sleepiness, the state of being sleepy; senność. That medicine could have caused the drowsiness you've been complaining about.
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in a dry manner; harshly; sucho, oschle. She treated us dryly enough to make us understand she wasn't happy to see us.
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doubtful, being in doubt; not clear, not obvious; wątpliwy; niepewny, podejrzany. Her excuse was rather dubious.
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a prison in the underground; loch. The princess was imprisoned in the dungeon.
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able to work or last for a long time; trwały, solidny, mocny. The device was made of durable materials.
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dark; ciemny, mroczny. The rose turned dusky red.
dust cover
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a clothing you put on things to protect them against dust; a piece of printed paper put on the cover of a book; pokrowiec; obwoluta. I need a dust cover for my printer.
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polite, obedient, kind; posłuszny, obowiązkowy, dobry. I don't know what happened with Helen she always was so dutiful!
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serious and determined; poważny, szczery, sumienny. She was extraoridinarily earnest for her age.
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crucial, special, affecting many people; przełomowy, doniosły. Forming of the Polish government was supposed to be an earthshaking moment.
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to make sth not as bad, severe or painful as it is; łagodzić, zmniejszać, osłabiać. This pill should ease the pain.
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a wooden frame on legs which holds a picture being painted; sztaluga Sally likes painting so much why don't you buy her an easel for birthday?
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to make something better, to improve something in a detailed way; opracowywać, dopracowywać, uzupełniać complicated or very detailed; skomplikowany, szczegółowy. I think you should elaborate on this painting.
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the act of selecting sb, usually politicians; wybory; The predicted results of presidential elections in Poland are rather scary
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to lengthen, to extend, to make or become longer; przedłużać, wydłużać; wydłużać się. Your sleeves have elongated after washing.
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expressing one's message clearly and effectively; elokwentny, wymowny. It was one of his most eloquent speeches.
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to liberate, to give rights to; emancypować, wyzwalać. Their attempts to emancipate the working class failed.
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liberation, giving rights to someone; emancypacja, wyzwolenie. when did the emancipation of slaves in America actually begin?
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to decorate, to make beautiful; ozdabiać, upiększać. Students did their best to embellish the gym before the disco.
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disappointed, gloomy, upset because of sth that happened; rozżalony, rozgoryczony Anna's boyfriend was embittered by her unreasonable decision.
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to make someone feel more courage to do something; ośmielać. Young people were emboldened by the authorities who supported their actions.
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to appear, to to come out from behind something; wyłaniać się, wynurzać. The great mammal emerged from water.
emergency brake / emergency cord
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a device used to stop a vehicle from moving, usually by a passanger and in an emergency; hamulec bezpieczeństwa. You may not use an emergency brake without a reason.
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to send something like sound, waves, sound, etc; emitować, wydawać. The sound this machine emits is really annoying.
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connected with emotions; expressing strong emotions; emocjonalny; uczuciowy. She's too emotional, even for a teenage girl.
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causing strong emotions; emocjonujący, wzruszający. Feminism turned out a highly emotive issue for these young people.
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someone employed; someone working at a certain place; pracownik, zatrudniony Our employees enjoy a wide range of benefits.
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to cope with, to tolerate, to bear; to suffer from; znosić, wytrzymywać; cierpieć; tolerować (z trudem) The pain was really hard to endure.
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completely absorbed; overwhelmed; involved or affected; pochłonięty, ogarnięty The whole country was engulfed in chaos.
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to increase, to improve; usprawniać, poprawiać, ulepszać, powiększać. That gossip won't enhance the actress's image.
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to make lively; ożywiać. The news enliveed the class.
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a plan one comes up with; a business; przedsięwzięcie; inicjatywa; przedsiębiorstwo, firma. Actually, I found the whole enterprise unlikely to succeed.
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a person who professionally entertains people, that is, sings, dances, makes shows, etc.; artysta (kabaretowy, cyrkowy, piosenkarz itp.) He wants to become a circus entertainer.
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influencing by causing desire or hope; nęcenie, wabienie; zachęta. One of enticements they offered was a quick promotion.
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whole; cały, całkowity It was one of those days when the entire life seemed a complete failure to her.
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a right to have something; uprawnienie, upoważnienie. Natural rights are another category of human entitlements.
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so good or successful that it makes others envy you; godny pozazdroszczenia. Her enviable career started when she was a child.
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with envy, with jealousy; zazdrośnie, zawistnie. She was looking enviously at the other girls, who were allowed to take part in the tournament.
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an unpleasant feeling of wanting someone else has; zazdrość, zawiść. His enviousness will ruin their relationship.
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the surroundings; the closest area; okolice. The team of architects designed the environs of the town.
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to imagine, to visualize; to predict; wyobrażać sobie, przewidywać. It's typical of Eve to envisage her future in dull colours.
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to cover sth on all sides; owijać, zawijać. First we've got to enwrap this book so thatwe can give it as a present.
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an event; a part of a story (a part of a series, etc.); epizod; wydarzenie; odcinek. She was in a hurry the latest episode of her favourite series was on.
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the state of being equal, that is regarded as having the same rights or value; równość, równouprawnienie. Ewa states that you can't even dream of equality at this institute.
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justice; just and equal treatment of people; sprawiedliwość, słuszność. The treatise discussing the problem of equity belongs to his major works.
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having more than one meaning; unclear; dwuznaczny, niejednoznaczny; wymijający. The politicians words in the interview were equivocal.
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to wipe off (e.g. sth from a board); wymazać, zetrzeć. Could you please erase these words? I think everybody has copied them by now.
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to corrode, to eat away, to weaken; ulegać erozji, powodować erozję; wyżerac, trawić; stopniowo niszczeć, podkopywać. All she had done in spite of promises eroded my trust in her words.
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basic; necessary; important; zasadniczy; nieodzowny, niezbędny; istotny. It is essential that the project is finished on time.
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to settle; to start; to make work; zakładać; ustanawiać. They decided to establish a business.
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to guess the amount, size, etc., basing on certain data; the result of such guess; szacować; obliczać; szacunek, wycena. Without that data we won't be able to estimate how many people are needed.
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predicted, guesssed as to the cost, size, etc. of something; szacunkowy, przybliżony, przewidywany. Can you tell me the estimated cost of the whole enterprise?
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delicate, light; eteryczny, zwiewny. He was curious who the ethereal beauty was.
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in the end; w końcu, wreszcie. She went missing for a fortnight and was eventually found at a hotel in Los Angeles
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too big, too intensive; excessive; przesadny. Alice greeted us with an exaggerated smile.
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an act or comment making something seem better or worse than it really is; przesada. To describe her as an excellent teacher is a bit of an exaggeration.
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very, to a great extent; niezwykle, niezmiernie. She was an exceedingly wealthy person.
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too much of something; something exaggerated; nadmiar, nadwyżka; brak umiaru. He drinks to excess, which worries me.
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too much, too large; nadmierny, zbytny, przesadny. Excessive prices discouraged us.
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too much, to excess, in an exaggerated way; nadmiernie, przesadnie, zbytnio. Praising the girl excessively won't do any good.
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a trip; a journey; wycieczka/I really enjoyed the excursion.
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extremely tired; zmęczony, wyczerpany. I'm really exhausted. Don't expect I'll go with you.
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to make happy, glad, cheerful; radować, rozweselać The news exhilarated the whole family.
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an organised journey which has a specific purpose, usually scientific research; wyprawa, ekspedycja. The expedition to the Antarctic was his most dangerous experience.
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the use of sth/sb; using something / somebody unfairly; eksploatacja, wyzysk. Terrible work conditions, dreary atmosphere, low wages you get here you can call it exploitation!
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to search, to disover, to examine and investigate; badać, zgłębiać. This matter calls for exploring it more thoroughly.
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someone who sees something, especially sth such as crime; świadek naoczny. She was summoned as an eyewitness.
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a fairy tale; rubbish, a false story; bajka; bajki, kłamstwa, bzdura, All she said is fable!
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someone who makes up stories and cheats; blagier. How many more times do I have to tell you not to trust that fabler?
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excellent, wonderful; wspaniały, cudowny, fantastyczny, bajeczny. Sheila's a fabulous girl.
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extremely, in an excellent manner; wspaniale, cudownie, niezwykle. He was a fabulously rich businessman.
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an ability; a place designed for a certain purpose, usu. a building; zdolność, talent; funkcja; obiekt, budynek użyteczności publicznej. Her facility for languages made her decide on a job as an interpreter at a very early stage of her life.
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something that influences or affects something else; czynnik, współczynnik. Bad weather is an important factor in road accidents.
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written material with information; broszura, ulotka informacyjna. Participants were handed out factsheets.
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slight, weak; słaby, znikomy, niewyraźny, nieznaczny, to become unconscious; zemdleć. She glanced at the telephone in the faint hope they could call.
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not brave, cowardly; tchórzliwy. When I was in need, some of my friends turned out too faint_hearted to help me.
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to pretend; to cheat; pretended; one who pretends or cheats; udawać; fałszować; fałszywy, udawany; osoba, która udaje. Her fake enthusiasm was just one of those tricks you shouldn't believe.
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well_known to (somebody); knowing (something or someone) well; dobrze znany, znajomy; zaznajomiony (z); zażyły. This name sounds familiar, but I can't tell you who he is.
family man
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a person who likes spending time at home with the family; a married man with children; domator; mężczyzna posiadający żonę i dzieci. He's a family man. his home is the most important thing for him.
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imaginary, not realistic; urojony, wyssany z palca, fantazyjny. She holds some fanciful beliefs about relationships.
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money paid for a journey; opłata za przejazd. Remember we've got to pay the fare. you can't spend all on food.
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positive, friendly; przychylny, korzystny. The terms were quite favourable.
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wild, cruel, fierce; okrutny, zażarty, straszliwy. The author depicts one of the most ferocious battles of the period.
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wild, cruel, fierce; okrutny, zażarty, straszliwy. The author depicts one of the most ferocious battles of the period.
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a part of fish's body which is used to move; płetwa. That fish has got enormous fins.
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resistant to fire; ognioodporny, ogniotrwały. She deposited the money in a fireproof safe.
first night
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the first time when a play goes on the stage; premiera. The young actress had stage fright before the first night.
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a tool used for fishing; wędka. The boys took their fishing_rods and went to the river bank.
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attached; stable; never changing; przymocowany; stały, niezmienny; niewzruszony. The lecturer was talking with a fixed smile.
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without paying attention to anything else but a given object; continuously; niewzruszenie, nieruchomo. Tim gazed fixedly at Mary, without a single word.
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with a lot of bubbles, hissing; gazujący, gazowany, musujący. I think I'll have some fizzy water now.
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burning, in flames; very bright; violent; płonący; płomienny, jaskrawy; gwałtowny. I could see her beautiful flaming red hair from a distance.
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exaggerated, tastless, showy; przesadny, w złym tonie, jaskrawy, tandetny. Is Suzie the one who always wears flashy clothes and thick make_up?
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in a flat voice; firmly; bezbarwnym głosem; stanowczo."Do whatever you want", he said flatly.
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to tighten, to bend; napinać, rozciągać. Look at this guy flexing his muscles! Who is he trying to impress?
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to burn unevenly; to exist for a moment and suddenly disappear; błyskać, migotać; zamigotać. The flame of the candle flickered in the dark.
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an open shoe, usually made of rubber with a strip between the big toe and the other toes; klapek, sandał. Don't forget to pack your flip_flops, honey.
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a group of birds; a group of sheep; to gather, to move together as a crowd; stado (np. ptaków, owiec); gromadzić się, zbierać się. Have you seen the flock of birds flying over there? It was an amazing view.
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to bend (a piece of paper, etc.); to cross (one's arms); złożyć (np. kartkę papieru); skrzyżować ramiona. The teacher stood up, folded her arms and waited for someone to explain the situation.
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a note printed at the bottom of a page, explaining or commenting on something printed on the page; przypis; I have no idea how to insert a footnote- will you help me?
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to search for; food for domestic animals; poszukiwać; plądrować, przeszukiwać; pasza. I've seen this beggar before, he was foraging for food in a bin.
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with the use of force, violently; efficiently; siłą, bezprawnie; skutecznie. The protesters were forcibly removed from the square yesterday.
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someone who makes copies illegally; a liar; fałszerz; kłamca. The infamous forger was finally captured by the police.
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an illegal act of making something (such as a piece of art or account) look as if it were the original; fałszerstwo. He was accused of forgery.
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tending to forget things easily; zapominalski, roztrzepany; niepomny. If you're so forgetful at work, don't expect great results.
forked tongue
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tongue typical of snakes; rozwidlony język. to speak with a forked tongue: to tell lies, to be a hypocrite; kłamać, być hipokrytą, mówić coś innego, niż się faktycznie myśli. I must tell you that Alice tends to speak with a forked tongue.
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something you have to do when dealing with official matters; formalność. I know nothing of the formalities I should go through.
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weak, easy to break or damage, not very durable; kruchy, wątły, delikatny, łamliwy. She's so sensitive and fragile.
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pleasant, smelling; pachnący, aromatyczny. The meal she prepared was fragrant and delicious. The room was filled with fragrant flowers.
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a structure supporting sth; a set of rules; konstrukcja, rama, szkielet; ramy, zakres. The carpenter will have made a framework of the roof by the end of the week.
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a structure supporting sth; a set of rules; konstrukcja, rama, szkielet; ramy, zakres. The carpenter will have made a framework of the roof by the end of the week.
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a small brown spot on one's skin; pieg. She's got lovely freckles.
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with freckles, that is, brown spots on one's skin; piegowaty. All his girlfriends were pale and freckled.
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a gift, especially to attract the interest of customers; podarunek np. od sklepu, upominek. I received this mug s a freebie.
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frenzy, crazy, very fast; frenetyczny, szaleńczy, gorączkowy. The frenetic pace of their work surprised me the team used to be rather slow.
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living in rivers or lakes, in water that does not contain salt; słodkowodny. Is the trout a freshwater fish?
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having and wanting fun, playful; rozbrykany, rozbawiony. Julka wanted to play with the frisky kitten.
full board
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all the meals, that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner (provided at a place such as hotel); pełne wyżywienie. Does the price include full board?
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discriminative, choosy; wybredny, wymagający. With her education she can't be so fussy when it comes to picking up a job.
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done in vain; daremny, próżny, bezowocny. Tomy's futile attempts to find a decent job have made him completely upset.

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