sözlük Arapça - İngilizce

العربية - English

معرفة ingilizce:

1. acquaintance

The man was not a friend, just an acquaintance she had met once or twice before.
I want to make her acquaintance.
I caught sight of an old acquaintance in the middle of the crowd.
I have an acquaintance with her.
a business acquaintance
His acquaintance runs a grocery in the country.
My acquaintance introduced me to his intimate fellows.
My acquaintance with his works is slight.
Should old acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind?
Do you have a business acquaintance in Randolph., Ltd?
She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
The solicitor said that he was unable to take on the case, but he had an acquaintance that might be able to help.
He's not really a friend, just an acquaintance. Yesterday I ran into Mark, my old business acquaintance.
I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances.

2. knowledge

Knowledge is power.
By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is? "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."
The very pure spirit does not bother about the regard of others or human respect, but communes inwardly with God, alone and in solitude as to all forms, and with delightful tranquility, for the knowledge of God is received in divine silence.
The Parisian police, he said, "are exceedingly able in their way. They are persevering, ingenious, cunning, and thoroughly versed in the knowledge which their duties seem chiefly to demand."
Justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give to each one that to which he is entitled. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of matters divine and human, and the comprehension of what is just and what is unjust.
знания русского языка|knowledge of Russian
And so, knowledge from the past, mixed up with assumptions about that knowledge, which may be more or less appropriate, is used to augment information provided by the senses.
Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music, music is the best.
The fact that educated Americans in general no longer share understandable background knowledge is a chief cause of their inability to communicate effectively.
There may be microscopes involved, bringing us ever closer to the heart of the matter; but even microbiology is objective, adding to knowledge by putting space between an object and its observer.