date of birth
His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality.
What are we, indeed, what is our character, if not the concentration of the things which we have lived since our birth.
Immaculate conception simply means that the Virgin Mary herself was born without original sin. Virgin birth is how Christ came about.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
While the birth rate is intended to be decreased in developing countries, that of developed nations is selfishly planned to be increased, resulting in the difficulty of getting mutual consent.
Although an increase of unmarried mothers is needed in order to escape the declining birth rate for some reason public opinion in Japan is avoiding this argument.
This is true partly because non-Westerners have begun to take pride in their own cultures and partly because those areas of the world where forks are not used have some of the highest birth rates.
My wife gave birth to a child when we were very poor. While she was sleeping, I cooked rice and vegetables for several days and surprised her with the variety and taste of my cooking.
The Chinese government has spent a lot of money on research into successful panda breeding in order to increase their birth rate.
Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death.
Just as the female ant after coition loses her wings, which then become superfluous, nay, dangerous for breeding purposes, so for the most part does a woman lose her beauty after giving birth to one or two children; and probably for the same reasons.
After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.
Following the demographic data, the government was obliged to adopt a policy that would stimulate birth rate.
I wonder what a person blind from birth thinks of when they hear the words "blue" or "green".
İngilizce kelime "geburt"(birth) kümelerde oluşur:
Meine Lektion2.
Where were you born?
Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'
Born in Japan, I make it a rule to have rice at dinner.
Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of how you live?
This is my little sister Sakiko. She was born the same year as me and is now studying for her exams.
Mr Yoshida was born in Yamagata prefecture, and graduated from Nihon University College of Art with a degree in oil painting.
When I was inside my mother's womb, I looked through my mother's navel at the house where I would be born and I thought: "No way I'm going there".
All people are born free and have the same rights and dignity. They are imbued with reason and conscience and should interact with each other in a spirit of brotherhood.
Surely he can not enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!
Just because people are corporeal born to this world doesn't mean that they understand everything about it, similarly just because somebody's died doesn't mean that they understand everything about the incorporeal world.
There was once a time when most people didn't know who Christopher Columbus was, but then he was born.
You were alive when you were born and you are alive at this moment, so you must be alive any point in between. That implies everyone's life is a convex one.
İngilizce kelime "geburt"(born) kümelerde oluşur:
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