There can be no hierarchy of discrimination.
We spoke on the social hierarchy during Medieval times.
The hierarchy of the Church was distrusted by the Communists.
And in pretty much every system too, there's a hierarchy within the arts.
Japanese companies emphasize hierarchy.
hierarchy of command/needs
hierarchy /ˈhaɪərɑ: ki; US / noun [countable] (pl. hierarchies) a system or organization that has many levels from the lowest to the highest ▶ hierarchia □ hierarchical /ˌhaɪəˈrɑ: kɪkl; US / adj. ▶ hierarchiczny
How many levels of the police hierarchy above him are involved?
We are more polite to people who are above us in the organisational hierarchy.
The Gray soldiers prowl the cities ensuring order, ensuring obedience to the hierarchy.
He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.
A big change in the organization of this company is that we now have a much flatter structure, instead of the old hierarchy.
He rapidly rose in the corporate hierarchy.
zmodern management theories question the nerd for a rigid hierarchy within a company.
Peer helpers made the teacher's job a lot easier, but established a cruel hierarchy among the students.
İngilizce kelime "hierarchia"(hierarchy) kümelerde oluşur:
PROFESSIONAL CAREER | kariera zawodowaPowrót do hotelu - angielskiIntelligent Business UI Unit 14kolumna 4 i pół 5 UNIT 4market leader - lekcja 8 - 22. pecking order
In their eyes they are at the top of any pecking order.
he started as a clerk but gradually he rose in the pecking order.
There's a clearly established pecking order in this office. The teachers are so low in the social and economic pecking order that nobody listens to them.
As an assistant manager, he was pretty low in the company's pecking order.
Is there a pecking order in your company?
it may not be necessary to look any further than their place in the pecking order to explain what Dr Evans and Dr Schamberg have discovered in their research into the children of the poor.
İngilizce kelime "hierarchia"(pecking order) kümelerde oluşur:
zajecia indywidualne6 min English2019 grudzień