Both teachers and students should wear modest clothes at school.
Generally speaking, Japanese women are modest.
You can get good food for a modest sum at the restaurant.
After winning the Nobel prize, she remained as modest as ever.
modest income/salary
Are you being modest or bigheaded?
The manager implied that a modest man was suitable for the position.
Dealing with actual Coruscant citizens instead of Lothal expatriates would move her a modest step up the social ladder.
he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise
The budget for climate change is modest.
The modestly-priced hostels usually offer bed and breakfast only (B&B).
drink modest amounts of alcohol / it was a nice wedding, necessarily Modest / modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee
Australia has long had a remarkably good university system, and used relatively modest levels of public investment in higher education very effectively.
someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements (He was always modest about his role in the Everest expedition.)
The little prince rightly guessed that she was not exactly modest, but she was so lovely to behold!
İngilizce kelime "prostolinijny"(modest) kümelerde oluşur:
05. Price and valuetennyson, rimbaud2. straightforward
She's really straightforward.
He is usually straightforward and sincere and thereby gains the confidence of those who meet him.
It is a straightforward, pragmatic amendment to meet a specific need.
simple and easy to understand [≠ complicated] This area of law is far from straightforward (=complicated).
When the design emerged it was surprisingly simple and straightforward. expand_more
My father is a hard-working, straightforward, and modest person.
We have to be ready not only for a straightforward test of strength, but also for a struggle in which every strategy comes into play.
I prefer a straightforward man like him.
It's a very complex issue to which there is no straightforward answer. It would seem to be a general truth that nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems.
The directions you gave me were very straightforward, thank you.
straightforward instructions a straightforward person
straightforward influense
We would rather just get straightforward information from the high school.
Making a clean separation between the "useful" and the "useless" is about as straightforward as drawing the fine line between water and ice.
İngilizce kelime "prostolinijny"(straightforward) kümelerde oluşur:
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