sözlük Lehçe - İngilizce

język polski - English

szaleć za kimś ingilizce:

1. be crazy about sb

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(be crazy about sb) kümelerde oluşur:

relationships, conflicts and problems
Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
Tydzień 16-21 słówka
PREPOSITIONS (przyimki) 365

2. fancy so

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(fancy so) kümelerde oluşur:

angielski 27.11
słówka dział 5
its personal
sprawdzian 1

3. be mad about sb

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(be mad about sb) kümelerde oluşur:

Unit 1.2 - cz. 1
1.2 repetytorium

4. be crazy about somebody

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(be crazy about somebody) kümelerde oluşur:

Beyond Prepositions 06
wordlist unit 5
Useful words and phrases
Vocabulary chapter 4

5. fancy

I never for a moment imagined I'd be able to afford to live in such a fancy house.
Just fancy!
... fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier...
i don't need a fancy house or a fast car
I fancy shopping here – there are many fashionable clothes to choose from.
Fancy forgetting my glasses, it's so embarrassing.
Bob mounted the portrait in a fancy frame, but it was upside down.
This expression has really caught my fancy, as a type of English metaphorical expression not in Japanese.
I fancy that most people who think at all have done a great deal of their thinking in the first fourteen years.
lt's like fancy cheese in an old guy's mouth.
That's quite a fancy suit you've got, not your usual style.
It is difficult to separate fact from fancy.
He fancies him​self as a ​bit of a ​singer. [+ to infinitive] Who do you fancy to ​win the Cup this ​year? [+ (that)] literary I fancied (that) I ​saw something ​moving in the ​corner.
The pretty lace blouse had a fancy embroidered trimming.
This cemetery even has its own site, and there is a page “News” on it! Can you fancy news from the graveyard?!

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(fancy) kümelerde oluşur:

sprawdzian z Angielskiego
Word list 5. coś
tools & equipment 3

6. fancy someone

İngilizce kelime "szaleć za kimś"(fancy someone) kümelerde oluşur:

Pleased to meet you
Słówka dział 5

7. to mad about sb

8. mad

Are you mad?
Reynolds' blood pressure is dangerously high, especially when he's mad.
You should avoid Tom today if at all possible. He's very mad at you.
I don't know what to do with that guy. No matter how mad I get at him he just takes it in stride and pays no attention.
The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.
Brian is mad because Chris obviously does not intend to return the money.
In Russia, if you smile all the time people think you’re mad.
When I took my little brother to his first circus he was mad with excitement.
You're mad to walk home alone at night. Were your parents mad at you when you came home late?
if you go mad, you behave in a wild and uncontrolled way, doing things you do not normally let yourself do
Hope is when you suddenly run to the kitchen like a mad man to check if the empty chocolate cookie box you just finished an hour ago is magically full again.
Globalization has gone mad: why transport Spanish cucumbers to exterminate the Northern Germans when half of them live in Mallorca? We need to rationalize all of that and adopt a more solid method of bacterial decontamination.
There are people who go mad for the nostalgic feel and also those who love originality.
Tabloids assert that the killer cucumber would have sodomised the mad cow.