Economy and Education - C1

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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
the competitive advantage
öğrenmeye başla
der Wettbewerbsvorteil
the basics
öğrenmeye başla
die Grundlagen
öğrenmeye başla
the economic model
öğrenmeye başla
das Wirtschaftsmodell
the increasing digitization
öğrenmeye başla
die zunehmende Digitalisierung
to avoid, to dread, to be afraid of
Parents are not afraid of any costs.
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etwas scheuen
Die Eltern scheuen keinen Aufwand.
Parents are enthusiastic.
öğrenmeye başla
Die Eltern sind begeistert.
to mean
This means that we have to change something.
öğrenmeye başla
Das bedeutet, das wir etwas ändern müssen.
the consumer economy
öğrenmeye başla
die Konsumwirtschaft
no fundamental change
So far, I haven't seen any fundamental change of the teaching methods.
öğrenmeye başla
keine grundlegende Veränderung
Ich sehe bislang keine grundlegende Veränderung der Unterrichtsmethoden.
so far
öğrenmeye başla
the approach
öğrenmeye başla
die Herangehensweise
There is no standard approach.
öğrenmeye başla
Es gibt keine einheitliche Herangehensweise.
öğrenmeye başla
das Programmieren
professional life
He will benefit from this in his professional life.
öğrenmeye başla
das Berufsleben
Er wird im Berufsleben davon profitieren.
to spend a lot of time
He spends a lot of time in the office.
öğrenmeye başla
viel Zeit verbringen
Er verbringt viel Zeit im Büro.
the working world
öğrenmeye başla
die Arbeitswelt
to invest a lof of money
They are investing a lot of money into the future of their daughter.
öğrenmeye başla
viel Geld investieren
Sie investieren viel Geld in die Zukunft ihrer Tochter.

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