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soru cevap
öğrenmeye başla
play-school, nursery school, pre-school
szkoła podstawowa 5/6-12/13
öğrenmeye başla
infant school, junior school, primary school
edukacja zawodowa, gimnazjum
öğrenmeye başla
comprehensive school, grammar school
podejmij / zrob /przystap / popraw egzamin
öğrenmeye başla
take/do/sit/resit an exam
zdać egzamin
öğrenmeye başla
pass/do well in an exam
oblać egzamin
öğrenmeye başla
fail/ do badly in an exam
Przed egzaminem warto POWTORZAC do niego
öğrenmeye başla
Before an exam it is a good idea to REVISE for it
pominąć zajęcia / wykłady (inf.)
öğrenmeye başla
skip classes/lectures
egzaminy koncowe
öğrenmeye başla
the school-leaving exams
zaliczenia ciągłe
öğrenmeye başla
continuous assessment
öğrenmeye başla
marks e.g. 65%
oceny 2
öğrenmeye başla
grades e.g. A, B
ukonczyc szkole, absolwent
öğrenmeye başla
graduate from school/get a degree, a graduate
w jakim wieku dzieci zaczynaja szkołę?
öğrenmeye başla
what age do children START school AT
jaki jest wiek zakończenia szkoły?
öğrenmeye başla
what is the school-leaving age?
czy są tam zajęcia wieczorowe dla dorosłych?
öğrenmeye başla
are there evening classes for adults?
masz uniwersytety państwowe i prywatne?
öğrenmeye başla
do you have state and private universities?
czy studenci otrzymują dotacje na dalsze kształcenie?
öğrenmeye başla
do students get grants for further education?

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