The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff. öğrenmeye başla
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Standing on the edge of that building was scary. öğrenmeye başla
Stanie na krawędzi budynku było straszne.
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I’m really angry about what he did. öğrenmeye başla
Jestem naprawdę zły za to, co zrobił.
It makes me so mad when people... öğrenmeye başla
Wkurza mnie, gdy ludzie...
I can’t belive tou did that (anger) öğrenmeye başla
Nie mogę uwierzyć, że to zrobiłeś (gniew)
I’m sad that we lost today. öğrenmeye başla
Przykro mi, że dzisiaj przegraliśmy.
I’m distraught that Preston lost today öğrenmeye başla
gutted (extremely sad or disappointed) I’m gutted that I didn’t get the job. öğrenmeye başla
bardzo smutny lub rozczarowany
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I’m so happy you came to the party. öğrenmeye başla
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To be pumped about something Everyone was so pumped before the game. öğrenmeye başla
Być czymś poruszonym (z radości)
We're really stoked about our new album! öğrenmeye başla
inaczej niż „excited” Jesteśmy naprawdę podekscytowani naszym nowym albumem!
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I’m excited about our vacation to express anticipation öğrenmeye başla
Jestem podekscytowany naszymi wakacjami
I feel bad about... (to express shame) öğrenmeye başla
Źle się czuję z... (dla wyrażenia wstydu)
I feel terrible about that. öğrenmeye başla
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