soru |
cevap |
He was panting loudly after the race. Stop panting, it distracts me. His pant was the last thing we heard öğrenmeye başla
dyszeć, sapać, ziajać (ciężko oddychać) On dyszał głośno po wyścigu. Przestań sapać, rozprasza mnie to. Jego płytki oddech był ostatnią rzeczą, którą słyszeliśmy
I could hear her chuckle. The hen chuckled in their pens öğrenmeye başla
chichot, stłumiony śmiech / gdakać Słyszałam jej chichot. Kury gdakały w swoich klatkach
Every now and then I fall apart. öğrenmeye başla
Co jakiś czas rozklejam się.
The wind was tossing the branches. The storm was tossing our boat. Waves were tossing our boat. öğrenmeye başla
targać, miotać, rzucać (np. gałęziami, falami, łódką) Wiatr targał gałęziami. Burza miotała naszą łódką. Fale rzucały naszą łódką
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The boys scattered, squealing in horror. öğrenmeye başla
He released the cattle on the pasture. She bought some pasture for the animals. He pastured the sheep in the morning öğrenmeye başla
pastwisko, pasza / paść się On wypuścił bydło na pastwisko. Ona kupiła trochę paszy dla zwierząt. On wypasał owce z rana
He didn't want to decide just then, but the board forced his hand. We didn't know what she was doing until Tom forced her hand. We changed our game plan after we forced the other team's hand in the first period. öğrenmeye başla
the power is in repetition öğrenmeye başla
The studies involved were less onerous than those for being a lawyer. öğrenmeye başla
I hope I don't freeze up or make a mistake öğrenmeye başla
Mam nadzieję, że nie zamilknę nagle, ani nie popełnię błędu
He listened to himself breathing in short gasps. After running on a treadmill I gasped for ten minutes. öğrenmeye başla
gristly = chrząstkowaty, żylasty öğrenmeye başla
He sent one of his minions to do something about it. öğrenmeye başla
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I could hear the old man behind me wheezing. I know when I've been smoking too much because I start to wheeze when I run for a train. öğrenmeye başla
Do you happen to know of a Dr. Guevera? öğrenmeye başla
Znałeś może doktora Guevarę?
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(edge, line) nierówny (clothes) podarty (person) obdarty (beard) postrzępiony öğrenmeye başla
He fell on the floor with a thud... She tripped and fell down with a thud. I'm so scared that I can hear the thud of my heart. öğrenmeye başla
The clink of the coins was soothing for him. The clink of keys woke me up. Clink of wine glasses öğrenmeye başla
He whacked him on the head. öğrenmeye başla
I'm not supple enough (= my body doesn't bend easily enough) to touch the floor. The gloves were made of very supple leather. öğrenmeye başla
giętki / miękki (o skórze), jędrne (o ciele)
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pozbawić tchu (np. gdy ktoś upadnie lub zostanie uderzony) Jego pocałunek pozbawił mnie tchu
get one's knickers in a twist öğrenmeye başla
Sliding glass door facing the pool was unlocked öğrenmeye başla
Przesuwane drzwi wychodzące na basen były otwarte
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Just for the record, we never endorsed this idea, or Just for the record, I didn't vote for him öğrenmeye başla
He heard a snap under his feet as he stepped on a twig. öğrenmeye başla
trzaśnięcie, pękać, łamać Usłyszał pod swoimi stopami trzask gdy nadepnął na gałąź.
I feel safe with you alongside öğrenmeye başla
Czuję się bezpiecznie gdy mam cię obok.
poverty threshold, poverty limit or poverty line is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country öğrenmeye başla
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I felt compelled to tell her the truth. She didn't want to help them but conscience compelled her to. Indians were compelled to work in the mines. öğrenmeye başla
Czułem się zmuszony, by powiedzieć jej prawdę. Ona nie chciała im pomóc, ale sumienie ją zmusiło
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pchnięcie, posunięcie (kogoś, czegoś)
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The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country. Drought and war have raised the spectre of food shortages for up to 24 million African people. öğrenmeye başla
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drążek do ćwiczeń (w balecie)
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The pigs were grunting contentedly as they ate their food. He hauled himself over the wall, grunting with the effort. öğrenmeye başla
My grandmother devours five mystery books each week. The vet was happy to see the terrier devour the dog food. öğrenmeye başla
pożerać / chłonąć (np. wiedzę)
After the president fled the country, the palace was plundered by soldiers. Tragically, the graves were plundered and the contents scattere öğrenmeye başla
an outreach worker/centre is father founded an outreach organisation using impressionable young boys from the orphanage öğrenmeye başla
Jego ojciec założył organizację pomagającą potrzebującym, używając przy tym podatnych na wpływy chłopców z sierocińca
freckles, scars, and other minor skin blemishes öğrenmeye başla
skaza / wada, niedoskonałość (defekt charakteru) / krosta
He was ravished by her beauty. öğrenmeye başla
oczarować, zachwycić, olśnić On był oczarowany jej pięknem
There was a strange garbled message on my voicemail. öğrenmeye başla
przekręcony, przeinaczony (np. o słowach, instrukcji, wiadomości)
The loudspeakers blared across the square. The radio was blaring (out) martial music. öğrenmeye başla
rozlegać się głośno, ryczeć (o dźwięku)
The alleged perpetrator has turned himself in to the police and is awaiting trial. öğrenmeye başla
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He had begun to dread these excursions. öğrenmeye başla
The trouble with many small houses is that they tend to be boxy. She was a little girl in a pretty frock öğrenmeye başla
kanciasta suknia/sukmana/kitel
Rough-and-tumble play of children. the rough-and-tumble of national politics. öğrenmeye başla
awanturowanie się, głośna kłótnia, szmotanina
Our food supply was soon depleted. Depleted soil öğrenmeye başla
Nasze zapasy żywieniowe wkrótce się wyczerpały
His speech bolstered the morale of the army öğrenmeye başla
podpierać, podnieść, podtrzymywać (np. morale, pewność siebie) Jego przemowa podniosła morale armii
These are wonderfully succulent peaches. öğrenmeye başla
soczysty (np. owoc), smakowity (o jedzeniu) To są cudownie soczyste brzoskwinie
He was a big man, with expensive but also garish clothes. öğrenmeye başla
krzykliwy, jaskrawy (kolor) On był dużym mężczyzną z drogimi, ale i krzykliwymi ubraniami
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There was green muck at the bottom of the boat. You're treading muck into the carpet with your dirty shoes! a pile of dog muck öğrenmeye başla
brud/brudzić, gnój, łajno, szmira
He relinquished any hope. öğrenmeye başla
zrzec się / porzucić (coś lub kogoś), opuścić (kogoś) On porzucił jakąkolwiek nadzieję
He experienced a string of failures. She survived a whole string of tests. öğrenmeye başla
On doświadczył szeregu niepowodzeń. Ona przeżyła całą serię testów
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A monk makes vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. öğrenmeye başla
Smoking and eating was her one indulgence. He was brought up with great indulgence. öğrenmeye başla
This win has given the team an unassailable lead. The conclusions were unassailable. an unassailable fortress öğrenmeye başla
bezsporny (np. fakt), niepodważalny (np. o alibi), niezbity (np. argument) / nie do zdobycia
a quick whipping movement of the raised leg in ballet usually accompanying a pirouette öğrenmeye başla
The car almost swerved off the road and into the river. öğrenmeye başla
gwałtownie skręcać, zbaczać (z drogi)
Water dripped down the wall. She dripped paint on the carpet. Watch out - the candle's dripping. öğrenmeye başla
kapać (np. woda, krew, olej)/ przeciekać (np. o kranie)
immolating = zabicie, zniszczenie immolation = poświęcenie, złożenie w ofierze poprzez spalenie immolator = ofiarnik öğrenmeye başla
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przyśpieszacz / środek przyśpieszający proces palenia się, substancja wzmagająca rozprzestrzenianie się ognia
Shaking, swinging and vibrating The company teetered on the brink of collapse. With her chosen charity in mind, the actress was prompted to slip on a pair of silver stilettos and teeter across a small obstacle course in sixty seconds while holding a full Martini glass. öğrenmeye başla
chwiać się, zataczać / balansować (na krawędzi, granicy) Przedsiębiorstwo balansowało na krawędzi upadku
Fishermen Tossing Salmon from Boat. He kept tossing our son. He tossed his phone. She tossed her head in annoyance. She tossed back her hair. öğrenmeye başla
Rbak podrzuca łososia z łódki. On nie przestawał podrzucać w górę naszego syna. On podrzucał w górę swoim telefonem
With her chosen charity in mind, the actress was prompted to slip on a pair of silver stilettos and teeter across a small obstacle course in sixty seconds while holding a full Martini glass. öğrenmeye başla
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