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We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system. We hope they can iron out their differences and get on with working together. öğrenmeye başla
to remove problems or find solutions
stick up for something/someone Her friends stuck up for her when other people said she was guilt öğrenmeye başla
to support or defend something or someone:
sick (and tired) of someone/something I’m sick of him whining about money. öğrenmeye başla
to have experienced too much of someone or something with the result that you are annoyed:
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through öğrenmeye başla
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I wish you'd stop jumping in and finishing my sentences for me all the time. öğrenmeye başla
to interrupt when someone else is speaking
Being jumped in or beat in öğrenmeye başla
Having to fight a certain number of gang members for a given period of time and being able to take the beating and fight back.
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If you jump or are thrown in at the deep end, you start doing something new and difficult without help or preparation.
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You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it öğrenmeye başla
to continue trying hard to do something difficult
When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up öğrenmeye başla
a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do
If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer. get off the train; the bus öğrenmeye başla
o leave a place, usually in order to start a journey
He ran up huge bills on clothes öğrenmeye başla
to increase a debt by spending more
How is the new monitoring procedure working out? Let's hope this new job works out well for him. öğrenmeye başla
to happen or develop in a particular way
The vaccine wears off after 10 years. The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly. After you drive a new car for a while, the novelty wears off öğrenmeye başla
to stop having an effect or influence
Don't use up all the milk - we need some for breakfast. The earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate. öğrenmeye başla
to finish a supply of something
Don't worry about it - something will turn up, you'll see. This job turned up just when I needed it. öğrenmeye başla
to happen or become available unexpectedly
When the market turns down, recruitment is one of the first areas companies look at to make savings. öğrenmeye başla
I'm turned off because of smell öğrenmeye başla
something that you dislike
I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner. öğrenmeye başla
(especially of a woman) to agree to have sex
The meeting has been put off for a week. 've put off talking to him about this for far too long öğrenmeye başla
I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America. He's never one to pass up a free meal öğrenmeye başla
to fail to take advantage of an opportunity
Her piano teacher was forever putting her down öğrenmeye başla
He is always making up stories. When I was late, I made up a story about my bus being late. öğrenmeye başla
They kissed and made up, as usual. UK We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after. öğrenmeye başla
to forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement:
In the finance sector things are looking up öğrenmeye başla
Kids look up to ballplayers, and we need to let kids know that it is not OK to cheat. öğrenmeye başla
to admire and respect someone
Just pull over here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way öğrenmeye başla
If a vehicle ..., it moves to the side of the road and stops
He says it's alright but I think he's keeping something from me öğrenmeye başla
to not tell someone about something
She held back from interfering in their arguments. He admitted that something had gone wrong, but he held back the details (= stopped himself from telling the complete truth). öğrenmeye başla
to stop something from happening or advancing, or to keep someone from doing something
I don't know why he hangs out with James, they've got nothing in common. Haven't you got anything better to do than hang out at the shopping centre? They enjoyed hanging out with each other when they were kids. öğrenmeye başla
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
Why should we hand over the money to the Russians? Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman. The two boys scared the old man into handing over his wallet. öğrenmeye başla
to give something to someone else
I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs öğrenmeye başla
a piece of clothing that someone has given to a younger person because they no longer want it
He said he'd given up smoking, but the empty packs in the bin were a dead giveaway (= clearly showed the secret truth). öğrenmeye başla
something that tells or shows something secret, often without intending to
I wanted to see that movie but never got around to it. I meant to call you, but somehow I never got around to it We must get around to cleaning those windows. öğrenmeye başla
to find time to do something that you have intended or would like to do
He dropped out of the race after two laps öğrenmeye başla
to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished
The US has announced a cutoff of military aid to the country. We had to cut off Mike when he started puking on the dance floor. öğrenmeye başla
the act of stopping the supply of something
when someone suddenly drives in front of u by changing lanes, endangering ur life and the lives of ppl around u öğrenmeye başla
to drive dangerously in front of someone
I just need to get away for a few days. We've decided to go to hiking in the mountains to get away from it all öğrenmeye başla
to go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to rest
You can always count on Michael in a crisis öğrenmeye başla
to be confident that you can depend on someone
I feel like I’m coming down with a cold öğrenmeye başla
to catch or show signs of an illness
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Our babysitter's just moved away, so we're asking around for a replacement. öğrenmeye başla
to ask a lot of different people in order to get information or help
"Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks onto the floor. öğrenmeye başla
used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen
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To be physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted
He's physically attractive, but shallow öğrenmeye başla
not showing serious or careful thought
Apparently the mob leaders were tipped off that police were watching them. Moving strike aircraft within range could have tipped off the bad guys. öğrenmeye başla
to give secret information to someone, or to give someone information without intending to