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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
W ciągu
öğrenmeye başla
poza tym, ponadto
öğrenmeye başla
besides, further, beyond that
öğrenmeye başla
instead of
ani my ani ktokolwiek inny
öğrenmeye başla
neither us nor anyone else
miałam zamiar
öğrenmeye başla
I was going to
miałam okazję by to wypróbować
öğrenmeye başla
I had the opportunity to try it out
w związku z tym
öğrenmeye başla
zatem jestem
öğrenmeye başla
therefore I am
chciałam tylko podejśc bliżej do budynku i rozejrzeć się
öğrenmeye başla
I just wanted to get closer to the building and look around
oni nadchodzą z przeciwnego kierunku
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they are coming / are approaching from the opposite direction
nigdy nie cytuj rockowych tekstów piosenek w książce, chyba że jesteś bogaty
öğrenmeye başla
never quote rock lyrics in a book unless you are rich
podczas / w trakcie
öğrenmeye başla
chociaż zmienili nasze serca i dusze
öğrenmeye başla
although they changed our hearts and souls
öğrenmeye başla
apparently / reportedly
właściwie to myślę, że jego reakcja była całkiem odpowiednia.
öğrenmeye başla
actually i think his reaction (response) was fairly appropriate.
biorąc pod uwagę to, jak go potraktowałaś, myślę że on nie przyjdzie.
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considering how you treated him, I think he won't come.
Brak snu wpływa na twoją pracę
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Lack of sleep affects (is affecting) your work
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla

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