Free time, social life and hobbies - Tiempo libre, vida social y aficiones

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soru cevap
to fish
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
la fotografía
to get together with friends
also: to meet with friends
öğrenmeye başla
encontrarse con amigos
to sew
öğrenmeye başla
to listen to the radio
öğrenmeye başla
escuchar la radio
to go for a walk
öğrenmeye başla
dar un paseo
to have a hangover
öğrenmeye başla
tener resaca
también: tener cruda (in Mexico) / tener guayabo (in Latin America, mostly in Colombia)
+100 flashcards
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"Spanish Vocabulary A2"
(toplamda 3.124 flashcards )

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