IB - Module 2

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Foreign Direct Investment
öğrenmeye başla
investment in, controlling and managing value-added activities in another country
expatriate assignment
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temporary job abroad with a multinational company
emerging economies
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economies that only recently established institutional frameworks that ease international trade and investment; low-/middle-level income; high-level economic growth rate
öğrenmeye başla
4 largest emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
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rate at which the currency of one country needs to be converted into that of the second country to ensure that a given amount of the first country's currency will purchase the same volume of goods and services in second one.
institution-based view
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international performance of a frim depends on formal rules and informal rules that differ around the world; focus on external environment
resource-based view
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firm's international success is influenced by its internal resources and capabilities; internal environment
liability of outsidership
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disatvantage of outsiders over insiders caused by lack of familiarity with the local environment
öğrenmeye başla
a process leading to greater interdependence and mutual awareness (reflexivity) among economic, political, and social units around the world, and among actors in general
öğrenmeye başla
the removal of regulatory restrictions on business
setbacks for globalization
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fear among people in developing countries as competition about low-end manufacturing jobs arises; MNEs can destroy local companies, cultures, and values
risk management
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the identification and assessment of risks and actions taken to minimize impacts of rare events
non-invented-here syndrome
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tendency to distrust new ideas coming from outside one's own organization or country
ethnocentric perspective
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view of the world through the lens of one's own culture
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people who embrace cultural diversity and see personal and professional opportunities of globalization
task/immediate environment of organization
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customers, competitors, suppliers, government, civil society organizations, interest groups
broader/indirect/macro environment of organization
öğrenmeye başla
innovations, political tensions, disposable income, consumer trust, employment, world trades slows down
external changes
öğrenmeye başla
technological, economic, societal, and climate changes
macro environment contexts
öğrenmeye başla
political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, ecology&climate
acceleration of globalization factors
öğrenmeye başla
political changes (e.g. liberalization), international collaboration (trade agreements, EU), socio-cultural changes (cultural exchange via travel, films, TV), technological changes (communication, information, transportation innovations)
öğrenmeye başla
companies that have offices abroad and operate in a different country; international production chain; firms engaging in FDI

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