June 15 (2) ED5W_2019_11_26

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an inscrutable face/expression/smile
öğrenmeye başla
not showing emotions or thoughts and therefore very difficult to understand or get to know
I only caught (= had) a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I know I would recognize her if I saw her again.
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an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time:
down with
Down with Big Brother
öğrenmeye başla
something you say, write, or shout to show your opposition to someone or something, and to demand that the person is removed from power or the thing is destroyed
go on
Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us interrupt you. [+ -ing verb ] We really can't go on living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house. If you go on (= continue behaving) like this, you won't have any friends left at all.
öğrenmeye başla
to continue
She upended the chessboard halfway through the game because she was losing.
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to push or move something so that the part that usually touches the ground is not touching the ground any more
gale force winds capsized their small craft. Syn: overturn, turn over, flip over A huge wave capsized the yacht. When the boat capsized we were trapped underneath it
öğrenmeye başla
to (cause a boat or ship to) turn upside down by accident while on water
If a process or achievement that was slow and complicated unravels or is unravelled, it is destroyed
He life started to unravel. As talks between the leaders broke down, several months of careful diplomacy were unravelled. We have a long way to go before we unravel the secrets of genetics
öğrenmeye başla
to separate into threads; to solve a crime or explain a mystery

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